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on time: at the correct timewalk on tiptoe: walk on the toes and balls of the feetaccept something on trust: accept something without proofon the verge of: very close to; about toon the whole: taking everything into considerationOut ofout of the blue: unexpectedlyout of breath: (after running) panting from a shortage of oxygenout of character: unlike a person's known characterout of control: not able to be regulated or guidedout of danger: safeout of date: no longer used; old-fashioned; (of news) no longer trueout of debt: having paid one's debtsbe out of one's depth: be unable to handle a situation because of lack of experienceout of doors: in the open air; not in a buildingout of fashion: not fashionable; not presently in common useout of hand: not under controlout of harm's way: safeout of line with: in disagreement withbe out of one's mind: be insaneout of order: not functioning properly; (at a formal meeting) not behaving accordingto the rulesout of the ordinary: unusualout of place: unsuitableout of practice: unable to do something as well as one has in past, because of lackof recent practiceout of print: (of a book) no longer available from the publisherout of proportion: too big or too small; not having the appropriate relationship tosomethingout of the question: impossible; not to be consideredout of season: (of fruit or vegetables) not readily available at that time of yearout of shape: (of persons) not in top condition because of lack of exerciseout of sight: hidden, not able to be seenout of stock: (of goods at a store) temporarily unavailableout of style: not fashionableout of touch: with not in communication with; not informed aboutout of town: having temporarily left townout of trouble: not in troubleout of tune: not at the correct pitchout of work: no longer having employmentToto all intents and purposes: in all important waysto a certain extent: partlyto date: so far; until nowup to date: current; modernsee eye to eye with: agree entirely withtake something to heart: be much affected by somethingmade to measure: exactly suitable; (of clothes) made for a certain person

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