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10. You and I are good friends, ___ hardly ever argue.11. Your son·in·law asked us to describe it to ___12. The windows are very stiff. We open ____ only in the summer.13. The basket is heavy. ___ is full of oranges.14. Your husband does not like anyone to contradict ___.15. ! hope you were not anxious about ___.16. Would yo u like me to mail the information to ___17. The leaves rustled in the breeze, ____ were already starting to change color.18. The road was long, but we followed ___ to the end.19. ! asked him to tell ___ the time.20. You will enjoy yourself if ___ come to the concert.21. We want you to wait for ___.Answers11. Fill in each blank with the possessive adjective which agrees with the underlinedantecedent. For example:! am looking for __ keys.! am looking for !llY keys.The lady left __ gloves on the counter.The lady left her gloves on the counter.Personal pronouns must agree with __ antecedents.Personal pronouns must agree with their antecedents.1. ! opened ___ book.2. Did the man finish ____ work?3. The bear is licking ____ paws.4. Please show us to ___ seats.5. She has already purchased ____ ticket.6. Have yo u heard from ___ friends recently?7. The students live near ___ school.8. The gentleman would like to have ___ watch repaired.9. We eat ___ breakfast at the same time every morning.10. That woman always walks ___ dog in the park.11. ! would like to renew ___ subscription.12. The eagle was holding something in ____ claws.13. Will you give me ____ address?14. The gymnasts asked ____ coach for advice.Answers12. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with the possessive adjectivewhich agrees with the noun or pronoun shown in brackets. For example:__ barking kept us awake. (the dog)Its barki ng kept us awake.__ arriving on time was fortunate. (we)Our arriving on ti me was fortunate.___swooping and darting was a sign that it would rain. (the swallows)

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