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Please tell me whose house they visited. 11. Please tell me whose dog chased the cat.12. Please tell me which books you have read.Answers to Exercise 11:1. We will ask what this is. 2. We will ask who was there. 3. We will ask who was first.4. We will ask which it was. 5. We will ask which is ready. 6. We will ask who she is. 7.We will ask whose book this is. 8. We will ask whose work is ready. 9. We will ask whowas right. 10. We will ask who that singer was. 11. We will ask which students are here.12. We will ask who they were.Answers to Exercise 12:1. I want to know who you are. 2. We will ask who swept the floor. 3. Tell me for whomyou organized the party. 4. I asked whom they had met. 5. I need to know at what timeyou will reach the station. 6. They will ask which horse won the race. 7. I wonder whoseanswer is correct. 8. We will ask which hill they climbed. 9. Please tell us what youmean. 10. I wonder what made that noise. 11. Will you tell me which students areready? 12. Ask hi m for what purpose he has called the meeting. 13. I am not sure whomwe can trust. 14. They will ask whose work was chosen. 15. We will find out which bookshe has ordered. 16. Do you know who I am?Answers to Exercise 13:1. The new appliances, which are quite expensive, will be on sale next week. [Non·defining] 2. The picture which is hangi ng on the wall was painted by our friend.[Defining] 3. The people who own the hotel have a great deal of business experience.[Defining] 4. His uncle, who sings in the choir, is a friend of my father. [Non· defining] 5.The building, which is in excellent repair, is over two hundred years old. [Non· defining]6. The door that is open leads to the study. [Defining] 7. My friend, who is coming for avisit, is anxious to meet you. [Non·defining] 8. Did you see the exhibition which washeld here last week? [Defi ni ng]Answers to Exercise 14:1. whom 2. who 3. whom 4. whose 5. whom 6. whose 7. who 8. whom 9. whom 10.whom 11. who 12. whoseAnswers to Exercise 15:1. which 2. who 3. whom 4. which 5. whom 6. which 7. which 8. whom 9. who 10.whom 11. which 12. whichCHAPTER 20. DETERMINERSAs indicated in the tables below, many determiners can be used either as adjectives oras pronouns. As will be pointed out in the next chapter, when a determiner is used asan adjective modifying a noun, the determiner usually precedes any other adjectivesmodifying the same noun.The use of the following determiners has already been discussed in previous chapters:a, an, the, this, that, these and those. The possessive adjectives my, your, his, her,our and their can also be classified as determiners.

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