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1. Yes, we do. 2. Yes, they may. 3. Yes, she is. 4. Yes, he does. 5. Yes, they had. 6.Yes, he could. 7. Yes, she would. 8. Yes, he had.Answers to Exercise 15:1. No, she isn"t. 2. No, he won"t. 3. No, she wouldn"t. 4. No, they couldn"t. 5. No, shewon"t. 6. No, he shouldn·t. 7. No, we didn"t. 8. No, they couldn"t.Answers to Exercise 16:1. We are thirsty, and so are they. 2. You have been helpful, and so has she. 3. I swamto the island, and so did he. 4. He was riding a horse, and so were you. 5. They canunderstand Dutch, and so can we. 6. She enjoyed the trip, and so did I. 7. You shouldstudy hard, and so should they. 8. He reads a great deal, and so does she.Answers to Exercise 17:1. You haven·t finished supper, and neither has she. 2. He couldn"t tell the time, andneither could they. 3. She is not planning to go, and neither are we. 4. We didn"t waitlong, and neither did he. 5. He has not been feeling well, and neither have I. 6. Shecannot run fast, and neither can they. 7. We do not own a canary, and neither does he.8. You won·t be needing an umbrella, and neither will we.CHAPTER 11. TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS1. Direct objectsMost of the verbs examined so far have been in the Active Voice. When a verb is in theActive Voice, the subject of the verb refers to the person or thing performing the actiondescribed by the verb; and the object of the verb refers to the person or thingreceiving the action described by the verb.In the following examples, the objects of the verbs are printed in bold type.e.g. He read the book.I did not see the balloon.They ate the potatoes quickly.She rode her bicycle along the sidewalk.Do we understand it?In these sentences, the verbs read, did see, ate, rode and do understand are in theActive Voice; and the words book, balloon, potatoes, bicycle and it are the objects ofthe verbs. These objects are said to be direct objects, because they refer to thingswhich receive directly the actions described by the verbs.See Exercise 1 .2. Lay and Lie, Raise and Rise, and Set and SitVerbs which take an object are usually called transitive verbs. Verbs which do not takean object are usually called intransitive verbs.

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