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e.g. Please pass me the other cup.I do not know any other way to do it.There must be some other explanation.In these examples, other is used with the singular countable nouns cup, way andexplanation, and is preceded by the determiners the, any and some.When other modifies a singular countable noun, the noun is sometimes omitted,particularly in the expression one ... the other.e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other is blue.One of my parents is a teacher; the other is a doctor.In these examples, the nouns following the word other are understood, rather thanexpressed. In the following sentences, the nouns which are understood are enclosed insquare brackets.e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other [pen] is blue.One of my parents is a teacher; the other [parent] is a doctor.Others is a pronoun. Others can be used to take the place of the word other, followedby a plural countable noun.e.g. Those trees are hemlocks; the others are pines.Ten people belong to the group, and five others are planning to join.In the first example, others takes the place of the words other trees. In the secondexample, others takes the place of the words other people.Others is often used in the expression some ... others.e.g. Some books are easy to read, but others are quite difficult.Some people like classical music, while others prefer jazz.The word else has a meaning similar to other. However, rather than being used as anadjective preceding a noun, else usually follows interrogative pronouns such as whoand what, and indefinite pronouns such as anyone and someone.e.g. Who else was at the meeting?What else is on the agenda?Has anyone else solved the problem?Someone else may be able to help you.See Exercise 6.7. The use of OnlyIn addition to being used as a determiner, the word only can be used to modify almostany part of a sentence. In general, the word only immediately precedes the part of thesentence which it modifies.The following examples illustrate how changing the position of the word only canchange the meaning of a sentence.e.g. Only the trees were somewhat damaged by last year·s storm.Meaning: Nothing except the trees was somewhat damaged by last year·s storm.

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