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(opposite of in theory)in print: (of a book) printed and available from the publisherin private: not in front of other peoplein public: openly; not in privatein reality: reallyin reserve: saved for later usein retrospect: looki ng back over past eventsin return for: as repayment forbe in the right: be correctin season: (of fruit or vegetables) readily available at that time of yearin a second: soon; quicklyin short supply: scarce; not easily obtainablein sight: able to be seenin stock: (of goods at a store) present and availablein that case: if that is truein theory: ideally; according to theoretical considerationsbe in time: not be latein touch with in: communication with; informed aboutin triplicate: so that there are three identical copies (of a document)be in trouble: be in a difficult situation; be blamed or punished for doing somethingwrongin tune: at the correct pitchact in unison: act togetherin vain: without successin the vicinity of: nearonce in a while: occasionallyin words of one syllable: (explain something) clearly and simplyin working order: able to function properlyin the wrong: responsible for an error; guiltyInsideinside out: with the inner side out; thoroughlyIntopaint oneself into a corner: take a course of action which greatly narrows one'sfuture choices of actiongo into hiding: hide oneselfget into a rut: get into a fixed and uninteresting way of lifeget into trouble: get into a difficult situation; do something deserving blame orpunishmentOfof course: certainly; as one would expect; as everyone knowshard of hearing: somewhat deafnext of kin: nearest relative or relativesof one's own accord: voluntarily; on one's own initiativeof one's own free will: voluntarily; by choiceone's point of view: one's opinion about somethingright of way: public right to use a path or road; (of road traffic) right to proceedbefore others

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