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Download PDF - ETP - Pemandu


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Glossary of Terms<br />

1MMPP 1Malaysia Micro Protection Plan<br />

3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle<br />

AAIM Automotive After-sales Industry Malaysia<br />

AAM Automobile Association of Malaysia<br />

ACD Asia Cooperation Dialogue<br />

AeU Asian e-Learning University<br />

AMWM Asset Management and Wealth Management<br />

ANM Arkib Negara Malaysia<br />

ASB Amanah Saham Bumiputra<br />

ATOM Automotive Modernisation<br />

ATOM Automotive Workshop Modernisation<br />

BB Bukit Bintang<br />

BBB Big Box Boulevards<br />

BCC Bumiputera Corporate Champions<br />

BCIC Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial<br />

Community<br />

BDM Batam Dumai Melaka Cable System<br />

B<strong>ETP</strong> Bumiputera Economic Transformation<br />

Programme<br />

BLESS Business Licensing Electronic Support System<br />

BMI Business Monitor International<br />

BOs Business Opportunities<br />

BPO Business Process Outsourcing<br />

BPR Business Process Reengineering<br />

C&D Construction and Demolition<br />

CAAT Computer Assisted Audit Techniques<br />

CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate<br />

CBCs Community Broadband Centres<br />

CCI Communications Content and Infrastructure<br />

CCIG Creative Content Industry Guild<br />

CCM Companies Commission of Malaysia<br />

CDCEs Certified Data Centre Experts<br />

CGI Computer-Generated Imagery<br />

CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight<br />

CIMBSI CIMB Securities International Pte Ltd<br />

CMDV Centre for Marker Discovery & Validation<br />

CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange<br />

CMSA Capital Markets and Services Act 2007<br />

CNIIs Critical National Information Infrastructures<br />

COE Centre of Excellence<br />

CRA Credit Rating Agencies<br />

CRB Cypark Resources Berhad<br />

CRC Clinical Research Centre<br />

CRM Clinical Research Malaysia<br />

CRS1 Carrier Routing System 1<br />

CSL Competition, Standards and Liberalisation<br />

CTRE Continuing Tourism-Related Education<br />

DBKL Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur<br />

DBKL Kuala Lumpur City Hall<br />

DCA Department of Civil Aviation<br />

DESB DreamEdge Sdn Bhd<br />

DEZ Dedicated Entertainment Zones<br />

DIKN Dasar Industri Kreatif Nagara<br />

DMO Delivery Management Office<br />

DoA Department of Agriculture<br />

DSN Diagnostic Services Nexus<br />

DVS Department of Veterinary Services<br />

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing<br />

E&E Electrical and Electronics<br />

E&P Exploration and Production<br />

EASA European Aviation Safety Authority<br />

EBN Edible Bird’s Nest<br />

ECCE Early Child Care and Education<br />

ECERDC East Coast Economic Regional<br />

Development Council<br />

EHA Electrical Home Appliances<br />

EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery<br />

EP Employment Pass<br />

EPF Employees Provident Fund<br />

EPMS Energy Performance Management System<br />

EPPs Entry Point Projects<br />

EPU Economic Planning Unit<br />

ESB Artha ESB Artha Global Management Sdn Bhd<br />

ETF Exchange Traded Funds<br />

<strong>ETP</strong> Economic Transformation Programme<br />

EXIM Bank Export and Import Bank of Malaysia Bhd<br />

F&B Food and Beverage<br />

F&N Fraser and Neave<br />

F1 Formula 1<br />

FAMA Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority<br />

FCPO Crude Palm Oil Futures<br />

FDI Foreign Direct Investment<br />

Felda Federal Land Development Authority<br />

FFBs Fresh Fruit Bunches<br />

FGVH Felda Global Ventures Holdings<br />

FINAS Filem Negara Malaysia<br />

FiT Feed-in Tariff<br />

FNM Filem Negara Malaysia<br />

FRIM Forest Research Institute of Malaysia<br />

FRISB Felda Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd<br />

FTA’s Free Trade Agreements<br />

FTK Full Turnkey<br />

FTZ Free Trade Zones<br />

GAP Good Agriculture Practices<br />

GASAC Government Accounting Standards<br />

Advisory Board<br />

GBI Green Building Index<br />

GDP Gross Domestic Product<br />

GDV Gross Development Value<br />

GE General Electric<br />

GFMAS Government Financial Management<br />

and Accounting System<br />

Appendices<br />


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