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Development of the Ear

1. Tympanic cavity

2. Cranial nerve (CN) VIII

3. Developing semicircular canals

4. Developing cochlear duct

5. Stapes

6. Incus

7. Malleus

8. Cochlear duct

9. Ductus reuniens

10. Utricle

11. Ampulla

12. Semicircular canals (12a—anterior; 12b—posterior; 12c—lateral)

Comment: CN VIII derives from neural crest cells. The outer ear

(auricle, external auditory meatus) develops from the first pharyngeal

grove; the middle ear (the ossicles) develops from the first

pharyngeal pouch; and the inner ear (bony labyrinth, membranous

labyrinth, the cochlea, the semicircular canals) develops from the

otic placode. Hair cells associated with the utricle (otolith organ)

and semicircular canals (ampullae) respond to linear acceleration

and angular acceleration, respectively. Hair cells in the organ of

Corti on the basilar membrane respond to differential movement of

the tectorial membrane and basilar membrane due to fluid waves

generated through the scala vestibule and tympani, transmitted to

the cochlear duct. These hair cells provide stimulation of auditory

primary axons that transmit sound.

Overview of the Nervous System See book 8.21

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