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Conduction Velocity

1. Node (site of action potential reinitiation)

2. Nodes of Ranvier

3. Myelin sheath

4. Axolemma

5. Axoplasm

Comment: An action potential is triggered in a neuronal cell

membrane when sufficient depolarization has occurred to allow

the influx of sodium ions to overwhelm the capacity of the efflux of

potassium ions to counter the influx of positive charge. This results in

an explosive depolarization that moves the neuronal cell membrane

toward its sodium equilibrium potential (approximately +55 mV). An

action potential at one node exerts enough local influence on the

adjacent node (and perhaps several distant nodes) to bring those

sites to a depolarized state sufficient to trigger an action potential.

This process reinitiates the action potential at each node. If a local

anesthetic is used to block the excitability (capacity to depolarize)

at several successive nodes, then a conduction block will occur

and propagation of the action potential will cease. The conduction

velocity of an axon depends upon the axonal diameter, also a

reflection of the extent of myelination.

Overview of the Nervous System See book 1.15

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