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Descending Control of Pain Processing

1. Enkephalin-containing neuron in periaqueductal gray matter

2. Locus coeruleus

3. Lateral reticular formation

4. Brain stem tegmental noradrenergic cell groups

5. Descending norepinephrine pathway

6. Corticonuclear fiber

7. Descending serotonin pathway

8. Spinoreticular pathway

9. Posterolateral funiculus

10. Anterolateral funiculus

11. Enkephalin-containing neuron

12. Afferent pain neuron of dorsal root ganglion

Comment: Nociceptive information processing in the dorsal horn

of the spinal cord, associated with the spinoreticular system, can

be modulated by descending connections from the cerebral cortex

(corticonuclear), limbic forebrain structures, the hypothalamus (such

as the paraventricular nucleus and the periarcuate beta-endorphin

neurons), the periaqueductal gray, the brain stem reticular formation,

central noradrenergic neurons (locus coeruleus, brain stem tegmental

groups), central serotonergic neurons (especially nucleus raphe

magnus), and primary afferent collaterals from the dorsal column

system. The central descending noradrenergic and serotonergic

pathways, modulated by the periaqueductal gray and other higher

centers, are particularly important for endogenous and exogenous

opioid modulation of pain. Synthetic opiates may activate neurons of

the periarcuate region of the hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray,

enhancing analgesia. These descending pathways also can modulate

trigeminal pain through the descending nucleus of V.

Systemic Neuroscience See book 14.8

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