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Sections through the Rostral

Hypothalamus: Preoptic and

Supraoptic Zones

1. Head of the caudate nucleus

2. Column of the fornix

3. Anterior limb of the internal capsule

4. Third ventricle

5. Anterior commissure

6. Lateral preoptic area

7. Medial preoptic area

8. Substantia innominata

9. Optic chiasm

10. Periventricular nucleus

11. Paraventricular nucleus

12. Lateral hypothalamic area

13. Anterior hypothalamic area

14. Supraoptic nucleus

Comment: The major nuclei in the preoptic zone include the

medial and lateral preoptic nuclei, involved in the sleep-wake

cycle, thermoregulation, and other visceral functions. The organum

vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) is a circumventricular

organ with no blood-brain barrier; neurons of the OVLT can release

prostaglandin E2, acting on distant structures of the nervous

system. The major nuclei of the supraoptic (anterior) zone include

the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei (cells of origin for posterior

pituitary hormone synthesis, and for visceral autonomic regulation

and anterior pituitary regulation), the anterior hypothalamic area

(involved in autonomic regulation), and the lateral hypothalamic

area (involved in feeding and drinking behavior). Some regions

(paraventricular nucleus) have 20 or more chemically specific and

anatomically specific subsets of neurons with discrete projections

and visceral and neuroendocrine functions. These neuronal

subgroups may be intermingled at a single locale.

Systemic Neuroscience See book 16.3

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