NETTER - Neuroscience Flash Cards

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Brain Stem Surface Anatomy:

Posterolateral View

1. Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

2. Facial nerve (CN VII)

3. Inferior cerebellar peduncle

4. Vestibular area

5. Olive

6. Hypoglossal trigone

7. Vagal trigone

8. Gracile tubercle

9. Cuneate tubercle

10. Facial colliculus

11. Medial eminence

12. Superior medullary velum

13. Inferior colliculus

14. Superior colliculus

Comment: Eminences, tubercles, trigones, and regions of brain

stem on the floor of the fourth ventricle or regions adjacent to the

fourth ventricle denote the presence of important underlying nuclei

and associated pathways (gracile and cuneate tubercles—nuclei

gracilis and cuneatus; vestibular area—vestibular nuclei; hypoglossal

and vagal trigones—CN nuclei XII and X; facial colliculus—CN

nucleus VI [abducens] and dorsally looping axons of CN VII arising

from CN nucleus VII). Involvement of these brain stem regions

from tumors, infarcts, or other damage is reflected by specific

deficits related to the functions of the underlying sensory, motor, or

autonomic nuclei and pathways.

Overview of the Nervous System See book 4.1

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