NETTER - Neuroscience Flash Cards

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Enteric Nervous System

1. Vagus nerve

2. Splanchnic nerve

3. Celiac or superior mesenteric ganglion (collateral ganglion)

4. Mesenteric nerves

5. Myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus)

6. Submucous (submucosal) plexus (Meissner’s plexus)

Comment: The enteric nervous system consists of approximately

100 million neurons arranged principally in the submucosal

(Auerbach’s) and myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexuses. Enteric neurons

and their plexuses regulate peristaltic responses (which may occur

without extrinsic control), pacemaker activity, and automated

secretory activity. Extrinsic (autonomic) input contacts only a small

number of these enteric neurons but may help to coordinate their

activity. If the intrinsic enteric neurons (neural crest origin) fail to

develop or migrate properly, a disorder called Hirschsprung’s disease

(chronic megacolon) occurs. The proper circuitry for peristalsis,

pacemaker activity, and secretomotor functions is not present, and

the autonomic extrinsic nerves cannot achieve effective coordination

of neural circuitry that is mainly absent. The lack of peristalsis and

smooth muscle tone results in megacolon, with hypertrophy and


Regional Neuroscience See book 9.61

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