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Cerebellar Anatomy: Internal Features

1. Superior cerebellar peduncle

2. Lingula

3. Vermis

4. Emboliform nucleus

5. Dentate nucleus

6. Globose nucleus

7. Fastigial nucleus

8. Fourth ventricle

9. Decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles

Comment: The cerebellum helps to smooth and coordinate

movements as its most conspicuous function, and it also coordinates

neural activities associated with nonmotor functions. The deep

cerebellar nuclei provide the coarse adjustment, and the cerebellar

cortex provides the fine adjustment through processing of inputs and

subsequent modulation of the deep nuclei. The deep nuclei help to

smooth and coordinate motor functions through projections to upper

motor neuronal structures [fastigial nucleus with vestibulospinal

systems; globose and emboliform nuclei with the rubrospinal tract;

dentate nucleus with the corticospinal tract mainly via (ventrolateral

nucleus) of the thalamus]. Lesions of the deep nuclei are more

severe and lasting in producing loss of coordination, dysmetria,

ataxia, and other associated cerebellar symptoms than are lesions of

regions of the cerebellar cortex.

Overview of the Nervous System See book 4.4

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