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Arterial Distribution to the Brain:

Basal View

1. Anterior communicating artery

2. Anterior cerebral artery

3. Internal carotid artery

4. Medial and lateral lenticulostriate arteries

5. Middle cerebral artery

6. Posterior communicating artery

7. Posterior cerebral artery

8. Superior cerebellar artery

9. Internal auditory (labyrinthine) artery

10. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery

11. Vertebral artery

12. Anterior spinal artery

13. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

14. Posterior spinal artery

Comment: The vertebrobasilar circulation supplies posterior

circulation to the brain stem and cerebellum, part of the

diencephalon, the occipital lobe, and inferior part of the temporal

lobe. The vertebral arteries and basilar artery give rise to paramedian,

short circumferential, and long circumferential arteries that supply

wedge-shaped territories or specific medial and lateral territories

of the brain stem and cerebellum with blood. An occlusion may

lead to damage of cranial nerve and brain stem nuclei, as well as

long tracts, leading to highly predictable but unusual clusters of

symptoms such as the lateral medullary syndrome. The middle and

anterior cerebral arteries give rise to specific named branches that

supply blood to specific regions of the hemisphere. Disruption can

result in symptoms specific to the role subserved by the cortical or

subcortical regions affected.

Overview of the Nervous System See book 7.4

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