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Vestibular Receptors

1. Vestibular ganglion

2. Saccule

3. Utricle

4. Cristae within ampullae

5. Gelatinous cupula

6. Hair tufts

7. Hair cells

8. Otoconia

9. Gelatinous otolith membrane

10. Efferent nerve ending

11. Supporting cells

12. Cuticle

13. Stereocilia

14. Kinocilium

15. Afferent nerve calyx

16. Myelin sheath

Comment: The vestibular receptors include hair cells in the cristae

ampullaris of the utricle (linear acceleration, gravity) and saccule

(low frequency vibration) and in the maculae of the orthogonally

oriented semicircular canals (angular acceleration, movement). Hair

tufts from the cristae ampullaris and the maculae are embedded

in a gelatinous substance that responds to gravity (utricle, otolith

forces) or head movement (kinocilium movement), depolarizing the

hair cell and resulting in release of a neurotransmitter that stimulates

the associated primary afferent of the vestibular (Scarpa’s) ganglion.

This system also has centrifugal or efferent modulation of the primary

afferent transduction process and associated afferent pathways.

Systemic Neuroscience See book 14.18

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