NETTER - Neuroscience Flash Cards

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Major Limbic Forebrain Structures

1. Habenula

2. Stria medullaris

3. Stria terminalis

4. Fornix

5. Anterior nucleus of the thalamus

6. Anterior commissure

7. Cingulate cortex

8. Precommissural fornix

9. Septal nuclei

10. Olfactory tract

11. Mammillothalamic tract

12. Median forebrain bundle

13. Amygdala (nuclei)

14. Uncus

15. Parahippocampal gyrus

16. Hippocampus

17. Dentate gyrus

Comment: The limbic system was named for a ring (limbus) of

structures that encircle the thalamus and associate cortical, as well

as subcortical, circuitry in functionally subserving tasks related to

emotional responsiveness and behavior, motivational and reward

behavior, consolidation of short-term memory, and environmentally

appropriate and situationally appropriate regulation of visceral

(hypothalamic and autonomic) and hormonal control of appetitive

and autonomic functions. The limbic system provides a contextually

appropriate individualized response to stimuli and challenges

in the environment. Some limbic components form C-shaped

pathways from the temporal lobe into more rostral structures of

the diencephalon and telencephalon (hippocampal formation and

associated fornix; amygdala and associated stria terminalis).

Overview of the Nervous System See book 3.14

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