Pro Tools 101_ An Introduction to Pro Tools 11 ( PDFDrive )

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Adding Audio to Your Session

Once you have created one or more Audio tracks in your session, you can

begin adding audio, either by recording to your track(s) or by importing

existing audio files. When you record audio or import audio from a hard

drive (or other volume) into tracks in your session, Pro Tools also places the

audio files in the Clip List.

Audio recording is covered in Lesson 4, and audio importing is covered in

Lesson 5.

The Playback Cursor and the Edit Cursor

The Edit window displays two different cursors: a playback cursor and an

edit cursor. The two cursors are linked by default; however, you can unlink

them to meet the needs of a particular situation. When unlinked, the different

cursors allow you to play one area of your session while simultaneously

editing an entirely different area. This can be useful when you are working

with a film or video scene or when you are trying out edits within an area

that you need to audition repeatedly.

Throughout this book, we will assume that the playback and edit cursors

remain linked, unless otherwise noted.

Workflows that involve unlinking the edit and playback

cursors are included in the Pro Tools 210M and 310M


To link or unlink the playback and edit cursors, choose OPTIONS > LINK

TIMELINE AND EDIT SELECTION. The option should remain checked (linked)

for this course.

Playback Cursor

The playback cursor is a solid, non-blinking line that moves across the

screen during playback and indicates where the current playback point is.

The playback cursor’s exact time location is displayed in the session’s Main

and Sub Counters (in both the Edit window and the Transport window).

Edit Cursor

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