Pro Tools 101_ An Introduction to Pro Tools 11 ( PDFDrive )

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Plug-ins can be used in mono, multi-mono, or multi-channel formats. (For the

purposes of this book, discussion of multi-channel formats will be limited to

stereo configurations.) The plug-in format(s) available depend on the plug-in

selected and the format of the track (mono or stereo). You should generally

use multi-channel plug-ins for stereo tracks, if possible; if no multi-channel

version is available, use a multi-mono version.

▪ Mono plug-ins. Plug-ins in this format are designed for use on mono

tracks. Some mono plug-ins can generate stereo output from a mono


▪ Multi-mono plug-ins. Plug-ins in this format can be used on stereo tracks

or multi-channel surround tracks. Multi-mono plug-ins analyze and

process each channel independently. Controls for all channels are linked

by default so that adjustments are made to all channels in tandem. The

controls can be unlinked for specialized purposes, allowing you to adjust

channels independently.

▪ Multi-channel plug-ins. Plug-ins in this format are designed for use on

stereo or multi-channel surround tracks. Controls for all channels are

always linked together in multi-channel plug-ins.

Plug-Ins Provided with Pro Tools

Pro Tools comes bundled with a variety of additional software packages that

extend its functionality. The plug-in extras bundled with Pro Tools include

the Avid Pro Tools plug-ins listed in Appendix A and the AIR Creative

Collection plug-ins listed in Appendix B. Among these, you will find

dynamics processors, EQs, reverbs, delays, flangers, choruses, and a variety

of other special effects.

Two commonly used types of processing for Audio tracks are dynamics

processing (such as compressors and gates) and equalizers (such as graphic

and parametric EQs). Pro Tools provides a variety of options for adding

dynamics and EQ processing to a track. The following plug-ins are available

in Native format for real-time, non-destructive processing on any Pro Tools

11 system:

▪ Avid EQ III

▪ Avid Dynamics III

▪ Avid Channel Strip

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