Pro Tools 101_ An Introduction to Pro Tools 11 ( PDFDrive )

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5. Press RETURN or ENTER to confirm your entry and move the insertion point

to the location you have specified.

Shortcut: Use the slash key (/) to rotate between the Start, End, and

Length boxes in the Edit Selection fields. This shortcut also

works for the Timeline Selection fields (Transport window).

6. Do one of the following:

• Repeat this process, using the END fields to specify the end point for the

Edit selection. The Length indicator fields will update accordingly.

• Repeat this process, using the LENGTH fields to specify the duration of

the Edit selection. The End indicator fields will update accordingly.

Working with Selections

Pro Tools provides various ways of making selections and adjusting the

selection boundaries. The following sections describe some common

selection techniques.

Creating Separate Timeline Selections and Edit Selections

The default setting in Pro Tools links Timeline selections and Edit selections

together. This means that whenever you select an area on the Timeline, you

simultaneously select the same area in each of your Track Playlists.

Conversely, whenever you select a clip or area in any Track Playlist, you

simultaneously select the same area in the Timeline. This is often the easiest

way to work because it allows you to easily play back areas as you adjust

your selection and to easily re-record selected areas on a track.

However, in advanced workflows, you might encounter situations in which

you want to unlink the Timeline selection from the Edit selection. You can

link and unlink the Timeline selection and Edit selection using the LINK

TIMELINE AND EDIT SELECTION toggle button in the Edit window. This

button is blue when the Timeline and Edit selections are linked.

Figure 7.8 Using the toggle button to link the Timeline and Edit selections

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