Pro Tools 101_ An Introduction to Pro Tools 11 ( PDFDrive )

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the audio clips’ positions relative to the session’s bars and beats will


Audio tracks can also be set to tick-based operation to perform specialized

functions, such as tempo matching for Elastic Audio. For the purposes of this

course, whenever we discuss recording and editing audio, we will assume

sample-based operation unless otherwise stated.

Tick-Based Operation

In tick-based operation, recorded information is tied to specific Bar|Beat

locations in an arrangement. When you record MIDI data, Pro Tools uses

tick-based timing to determine the locations of your MIDI events. MIDI

events are recorded relative to particular bar and beat locations (such as Bar

16, Beat 1), and their absolute locations adjust based on the session tempo—

if the tempo increases, the MIDI data will play back faster, and individual

events will occur earlier in time; if the tempo decreases, the MIDI data will

play back more slowly, and the same events will occur later in time.

Note: The Elastic Audio capabilities in Pro Tools enable the same

functionality for audio on tick-based tracks, allowing audio clips to

automatically compress or expand to conform to the session tempo.

Pro Tools subdivides the bars and beats in your session into ticks, with 960

ticks comprising a quarter note. Timing can thus be specified with a

precision (or resolution) of up to 1/960th of a quarter note when measuring in

bars and beats. You can think of tick-based locations as relative locations in

time, measured by the number of bars, beats, and ticks that have elapsed

since the beginning of the session. A tick-based event maintains its rhythmic

location relative to other tick-based events in the song, regardless of the

session tempo—but a tempo change will cause the event to occur earlier or

later in absolute time, thereby changing its location relative to any samplebased

audio in the session.

Tick-based tracks and data coexist with sample-based tracks and data within

the same Pro Tools session.

Tip: Pro Tools displays relationships between audio and MIDI

accurately in the Edit window at all zoom levels, with MIDI event

durations drawn proportionally to the Timeline, according to tempo.

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