Thesis - Leigh Moody.pdf - Bad Request - Cranfield University

Thesis - Leigh Moody.pdf - Bad Request - Cranfield University

Thesis - Leigh Moody.pdf - Bad Request - Cranfield University


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Acronyms<br />

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RCS - Radar Cross Section<br />

RF - Radio Frequency<br />

RLG - Ring Laser Gyroscope<br />

RPY and RP - Roll-Pitch-Yaw ordered Euler rotations<br />

RGTPN - Realistic Generalised True Proportional Navigation<br />

RTPN - Realistic True Proportional Navigation<br />

SA - NAVSTAR GPS Selective Availability<br />

SDINS - StrapDown Inertial Navigation System<br />

SOF - Second Order Filter<br />

SI - System International units<br />

SITAN - Sandia Inertial Terrain Aided Navigation<br />

S/N - Signal to Noise<br />

SNR - Signal to Noise ratio<br />

SOF - Second Order Filter<br />

SRM - Short Range Missile<br />

STT - Skid-to-Turn<br />

TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation<br />

TBTPN - Target Biased TPN<br />

TDOP - NAVSTAR GPS Time Dilution Of Precision<br />

TERCOM - TERrain COntour Matching<br />

TERPROM - TERrain PROfile Matching<br />

TFA - TransFer Alignment<br />

TF - Terrain Following<br />

TI - Tracking Index<br />

TIALD - Thermal Imaging and Laser Designator<br />

TPBVP - Two Point Boundary Value Problem<br />

TPN - True Proportional Navigation<br />

TRN - Terrain Referenced Navigation<br />

TTG - Time-To-Go<br />

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