Paulius Rabikauskas "VILNIAUS AKADEMIJA IR LIETUVOS JĖZUITAI", Lietuvių Katalikų Mokslo Akademija, 2002

Rev. Paulius Rabikauskas SJ (1920-1998) - Church historian, connoisseur of diplomacy and palaeography. Vice-rector of Gregoriana, long time dean of the faculty of Church history, editor of Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Among his most important works are Diplomatica pontificia (6th ed., 1998) and acclaimed edition of sources of Lithuanian history Relationes status dioecesium in Magno Ducatu Lituaniae I—II (1971-1978). Present book contains Vilnius Jesuit university (est. 1579) history studies: analysis of the establishment documents, progress of Science and development of lecturing, problems of foundation of the faculties of law and medicine. The lists of rectors are updated; questions of university properties are discussed. Some of the studies are dedicated to the XVII c. Jesuits related to the University - Lithuanian spiritual writer K. Sirvydas, to one of the most popular neo-latin poets M. C. Sarbievius, to the alumni of the University and the missionary in China A. Rudamina. Activities of Jesuit colleges in Kaunas and Pašiaušė are discussed separately, binding them into locai history context. These studies of Paulius Rabikauskas are grounded by researches in rich archive material, particularly ARSI and Vatican Secret archives. They are distinctive for their erudition, perfect knowledge of universal Church history and precise interpretation of facts.

Rev. Paulius Rabikauskas SJ (1920-1998) - Church historian, connoisseur of diplomacy and palaeography. Vice-rector of Gregoriana, long
time dean of the faculty of Church history, editor of Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Among his most important works are Diplomatica pontificia (6th ed., 1998) and acclaimed edition of sources of Lithuanian
history Relationes status dioecesium in Magno Ducatu Lituaniae I—II
Present book contains Vilnius Jesuit university (est. 1579) history studies: analysis of the establishment documents, progress of Science and
development of lecturing, problems of foundation of the faculties of
law and medicine. The lists of rectors are updated; questions of university properties are discussed. Some of the studies are dedicated to the
XVII c. Jesuits related to the University - Lithuanian spiritual writer
K. Sirvydas, to one of the most popular neo-latin poets M. C. Sarbievius, to the alumni of the University and the missionary in China A. Rudamina. Activities of Jesuit colleges in Kaunas and Pašiaušė are discussed separately, binding them into locai history context.
These studies of Paulius Rabikauskas are grounded by researches in
rich archive material, particularly ARSI and Vatican Secret archives.
They are distinctive for their erudition, perfect knowledge of universal
Church history and precise interpretation of facts.

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įstaigų, nei tinkamų kunigų, o nedaugelis ten dirbančiųjų yra atkeliavę

iš Lenkijos, savo tėvynėje buvę beverčiai ir nei išsilavinę, nei moraliai

stiprūs. 12 Todėl nuncijus prašo popiežiaus sekretoriaus kardinolo Boromiejaus

skubiai paraginti tėvą Laynezą priimtį šią iniciatyvą ir pasiųsti

gerus profesorius bei pamokslininkus, nes „ši kolegija [taip jis ją

pavadino - P. R.] yra laikoma būsimu universitetu visai Lietuvai". 13

Kuomet laiškas maždaug po keturių savaičių pasiekė Romą, popiežiaus

kurija iškart informavo jėzuitų generalinį vikarą t. Pranciškų Borgiją

(t. Diego Laynezas 1565 m. sausio 19 d. mirė). Vasario 18 d. jau buvo

nutarta, 14 popiežiui skubiai prašant, priimti pasiūlymą Vilniuje įsteigti

pilnutinę kolegiją su visais fakultetais, nors patys jėzuitai būtų linkę

atidėti sprendimą iki naujo generalinio vyresniojo rinkimų, kurie turėjo

įvykti birželio pabaigoje. 15 Tačiau popiežius ir kardinolas Boromie-

12 „il che succedendo potrà senza dubbio essere di grande aiuto a tutto quel

paese, il quale non ha nè lettere, nè preti, se non tolti di Polonia, et vi vanno

solamente coloro, che non hanno qui recapito, persone per lo più senza dottrina

et senza costumi...“, ten pat.

13 „V(ostra) S(ignoria) Illustrissima essorti il P. Laynes ad accettar quest’impresa,

et a provedere di buoni lettori et predicatori, perchè quel collegio sarà

come una università di tutta la Lithuania“, ten pat.

14 „Il re di Polonia pare si volti a voler abbracciar la Compagnia nostra da

serio, et per adesso si [ha] accettato l’assumpto de mandare un collegio intiero

in Vilna de tutte le facultà. V(ostra) R(everentia), che è stato lì, ci scriva che

gliene pare. Et non conviene publicar questa cosa, perché, come ci scrive il

nuncio, prima conviene fare et poi dire, acciò sapendolo alcuni heretici, che

stanno intorno il re, non si sforzino ad impedirlo. Voi dare un luogo suo grande

che tiene in Vilna et murato. Non so se V(ostra) R(everentia) l’haverà visto,

o se si ricorderà di quello", Borgija - Salmeronui (Roma, 1565 vasario 18),

Epislulae P. Alphonsi Salmeronis, II (= MHSI, XXXII), p. 7.

15 „Et perché l’Ill.mo Borromeo non ci dette tempo d’aspettare la elettione

del nostro generale (qual sera piacendo a Iddio verso la fine del mese di Giugno),

scrivevo che anche serveriamo al serenissimo re quanto al collegio di Vilna.

.Borgija - Commendonei (Roma, 1565 gegužės 25), Sanctus Franciscus

Borgia, III (= MHSI, XXXV), Matriti 1908, p. 806. - „7. .. .Et in primis Vilnae

(quae caput est Lithuaniae) collegium plenum, in quo studiorum esset universitas,

suis expensis [rex] erigere, aedificiis et redditibus assignatis, volebat et

suum nobis desiderium per nuncii litteras exponi. Cum autem summus pontifex

regi satisfaciendum censeret, suscepta est provincia: et si res necessariae


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