Paulius Rabikauskas "VILNIAUS AKADEMIJA IR LIETUVOS JĖZUITAI", Lietuvių Katalikų Mokslo Akademija, 2002

Rev. Paulius Rabikauskas SJ (1920-1998) - Church historian, connoisseur of diplomacy and palaeography. Vice-rector of Gregoriana, long time dean of the faculty of Church history, editor of Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Among his most important works are Diplomatica pontificia (6th ed., 1998) and acclaimed edition of sources of Lithuanian history Relationes status dioecesium in Magno Ducatu Lituaniae I—II (1971-1978). Present book contains Vilnius Jesuit university (est. 1579) history studies: analysis of the establishment documents, progress of Science and development of lecturing, problems of foundation of the faculties of law and medicine. The lists of rectors are updated; questions of university properties are discussed. Some of the studies are dedicated to the XVII c. Jesuits related to the University - Lithuanian spiritual writer K. Sirvydas, to one of the most popular neo-latin poets M. C. Sarbievius, to the alumni of the University and the missionary in China A. Rudamina. Activities of Jesuit colleges in Kaunas and Pašiaušė are discussed separately, binding them into locai history context. These studies of Paulius Rabikauskas are grounded by researches in rich archive material, particularly ARSI and Vatican Secret archives. They are distinctive for their erudition, perfect knowledge of universal Church history and precise interpretation of facts.

Rev. Paulius Rabikauskas SJ (1920-1998) - Church historian, connoisseur of diplomacy and palaeography. Vice-rector of Gregoriana, long
time dean of the faculty of Church history, editor of Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Among his most important works are Diplomatica pontificia (6th ed., 1998) and acclaimed edition of sources of Lithuanian
history Relationes status dioecesium in Magno Ducatu Lituaniae I—II
Present book contains Vilnius Jesuit university (est. 1579) history studies: analysis of the establishment documents, progress of Science and
development of lecturing, problems of foundation of the faculties of
law and medicine. The lists of rectors are updated; questions of university properties are discussed. Some of the studies are dedicated to the
XVII c. Jesuits related to the University - Lithuanian spiritual writer
K. Sirvydas, to one of the most popular neo-latin poets M. C. Sarbievius, to the alumni of the University and the missionary in China A. Rudamina. Activities of Jesuit colleges in Kaunas and Pašiaušė are discussed separately, binding them into locai history context.
These studies of Paulius Rabikauskas are grounded by researches in
rich archive material, particularly ARSI and Vatican Secret archives.
They are distinctive for their erudition, perfect knowledge of universal
Church history and precise interpretation of facts.

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Žemaičių vyskupas, be to, siūlęs pagyvinti vadinamuosius atlaidus.

Kur kitatikiai yra atėmę iš katalikų senas bažnyčias, ten vyskupas siūlęsis

pastatyti naujas. Bet Possevinas pataręs vyskupui statyti naujas

ten, kur ponai nesipriešina, kad nebūtų nereikalingų sunkenybių. Ir priduria:

„Tikiu, kad uolusis Ganytojas darys, kiek tik gali, gero, jei tik

kas iš mūsiškių (jėzuitų) jam padėtų ne tiek pašnekesiais, kiek apgalvotu

ir veiksmingu apaštalavimu šį ne per sunkų uždavinį atlikti“. Išreiškia

viltį, kad tuometinis Vilniaus universiteto rektorius tėvas Garsijas

Alabianas tuo susidomės ir, kai reikės, tą reikalą sutvarkys. 7

Iš to laiško matome Posseviną kupiną visokių idėjų ir planų, sakytume,

visai modemiškai galvojantį: organizuoja Vertėjų seminariją, siūlo

naujus apaštalavimo būdus Žemaitijoje, net šiek tiek atsižvelgia į kitatikius,

nors šiandieninio ekumenizmo ten nebuvo nė šešėlio. Tame pačiame

laiške Possevinas duoda dar vieną mažą patarimą: kai jėzuitai

kunigai vyksta apaštalauti į tolimus užkampius, tenepamiršta su savimi

pasiimti agendą (knygelę, kurioje surašytos sakramentų teikimo maldos

ir apeigos su lietuviškais intarpais, ypačiai teikiant krikšto ir moterystės

sakramentus); jei ir negalės tų knygelių klebonams padovanoti,

teleidžia jiems tas maldas nusirašyti, kadangi lengvai galima pamiršti,

kai prieš akis neturima paties teksto. 8

cum erant, dixi, ut Vilnam rediens adduceret unum vel alterum lituanos adolescentes,

neque curaret nisi legere scirent. His enim quasi praecursoribus via

huius negotii antequam Vilna discedam me Deo volente complanaturum“, ARSI,

Opp. NN. 325, fol. 55v.

7 „Et bonus Episcopus cum pergeret proponere alteram iuvandae Samogitiae

rationem, nimirum ut temporibus iis quibus rustici convenire solent ad eas

quas qui vocant Indulgentias, averterentur ad [fol. 56r] templa catholica, quae

ille curaret excitari, cum vetera haeretici nobiles usurpaverint, et eo rustici

irent. Respondi, videri satius, si iis in locis templa extruerentur, ubi nobiles

vicini facessere nullum negotium possent, ac declinarentur difficultates tantisper,

dum catholica res latius promota sibimet ipsa aditum ulterius sterneret.

Credo probum Antistitem nihil non effecturum boni, si aliquos e nostris nancisceretur,

qui non colloquiis, sed methodo et compendio ista factu non difficillima

promoveant. Et P. Garsias haec forsan gustabit et suo tempore curabit“,

ARSI, Opp. NN. 325, fol. 55v-56r.

8 „Erit ut puto e re, si posthac nostri, qui ad istas iverint missiones, ferant


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