Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

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<strong>Richtlijn</strong>: <strong>Niet</strong>-<strong>kleincellig</strong> <strong>longcarcinoom</strong> (<strong>2.0</strong>)581 - Tsuchiya RTsuchiya R, Goya T, Naruke T, Suemasu K. Resection of tracheal carcinoma for lung cancer. J ThoracCardiovasc Surg 99:779-87, 1990.582 - Uematsu MUematsu M. CT-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage lung cancer. Nippon Rinsho 60 Suppl5:408-410, 2002.583 - Uitterhoeve ALUitterhoeve AL, Koolen MG, van Os RM et al. Accelerated high-dose radiotherapy alone or combined witheither concomitant or sequential chemotherapy; treatments of choice in patiënts with Non-Small Cell LungCancer. Radiot Oncol 2007 2:27-.., 2007.584 - Ulutin HCUlutin HC, Güden M, Oysul K, Sürenkök S, Pak Y. Split-course radiotherapy with or without concomitant orsequential chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Radiation Medicine ;18:93-96, 2000.585 - Ung YCUng YC, Maziak DE, Vanderveen JA, Smith CA, Gulenchyn K, Lacchetti C, et al. 18Fluorodeoxyglucosepositron emission tomography in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer: a systematic review. J NatlCancer Inst 99:1753-1767, 2007.586 - Ushiki AUshiki A, Koizumi T, Kobayashi N, et al. Genetic heterogeneity of EGFR mutation in pleomorphiccarcinoma of the lung: response to gefitinib and clinical outcome. Jpn J Clin Oncol 39:267-270, 2009.587 - Groen HJGroen HJ, Meerbeeck JP van. <strong>Richtlijn</strong> maligne pleurale effusies. Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voorLongziekten en Tuberculose, 2003588 - Van den WTVan den WT, Huizing MT, Vermorken JB. Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw: cause and effector a post hoc fallacy? Ann Oncol 17:1197-1204, 2006.589 - Van der Linden YMVan der Linden YM, Dijkstra PDS, Kroon HM, Lok JJ, PhD, Noordijk EM, Leer JWH, Marijnen CAM.Comparative analysis of risk factors for pathological fracture with femoral metastases. J Bone and JointSurg86-B:566-573, 2004.590 - van Geel ANvan Geel AN, Jansen PP, van Klaveren RJ, et al. High relapse-free survival after preoperative andintraoperative radiotherapy and resection for sulcus superior-tumors. Chest 124:1841-1846, 2003.591 - Van Meerbeeck JPVan Meerbeeck JP, Kramer GW, Van Schil PE, Legrand C, Smit EF, Schramel F, et al. Randomizedcontrolled trial of resection versus radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy in stage IIIA-N2non-small-cell lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 99:442-450; 2007.592 - Van SPVan SP, van MJ, Kramer G, Splinter T, Legrand C, Giaccone G, et al. Morbidity and mortality in the surgeryarm of EORTC 08941 trial. Eur Respir J 26:192-197; 2005.593 - van Tinteren Hvan Tinteren H, Hoekstra OS, Smit EF, et al. Effectiveness of positron emission tomography in thepreoperative assessment of patiënts with suspected non-small-cell lung cancer: the PLUS multicentrerandomised trial. The Lancet 359:1388-1392, 2002.594 - Varela GVarela G, Cordovilla R, Jimenez MF, Novoa N. Utility of standardized exercise oximetry to predict06/09/2011 <strong>Niet</strong>-<strong>kleincellig</strong> <strong>longcarcinoom</strong> (<strong>2.0</strong>) 137

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