Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

Richtlijn: Niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom (2.0) - Kwaliteitskoepel

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<strong>Richtlijn</strong>: <strong>Niet</strong>-<strong>kleincellig</strong> <strong>longcarcinoom</strong> (<strong>2.0</strong>)lung cancer: tailored therapy or one size fits all? J Clin Oncol 28:905-907, 2010.14 - Alzahouri KAlzahouri K, Lejeune C, Woronoff-Lemsi MC, Arveux P, Guillemin F. Cost-effectiveness analysis ofstrategies introducing FDG-PET into the mediastinal staging of non-small-cell lung cancer from the Frenchhealthcare system perspective. Clin Radiol 60:479-492, 2005.15 - Angeletti CAAngeletti CA, Mussi A, Janni A, Lucchi M, Ribechini A, Chella A, et al. Second primary lung cancer andrelapse: treatment and follow-up. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 9:607-611, 1995.16 - Annema JTAnnema JT, Bohoslavsky R, Burgers S, Smits M, Taal B, Venmans B, et al. Implementation of endoscopicultrasound for lung cancer staging. Gastrointest Endosc 2009 Nov 9.17 - Annema JTAnnema JT, van Meerbeeck JP, Rintoul RC, Dooms C, Deschepper E, et al Mediastinoscopy vsEndosonography for Mediastinal Nodal Staging of Lung Cancer: A Randomized Trial. JAMA304:2245-2252, 2010.18 - Annema JTAnnema JT, Versteegh MI, Veselic M, Voigt P, Rabe KF. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needleaspiration in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer and its impact on surgical staging. J Clin Oncol;23:8357-8361, 2005.19 - Annema JTAnnema JT, Versteegh MI, Veselic M, Welker L, Mauad T, Sont JK, et al. Endoscopic ultrasound added tomediastinoscopy for preoperative staging of patiënts with lung cancer. JAMA ;294:931-936, 2005.20 - Araki JAraki J, Okamoto I, Suto R, Ichikawa Y, Sasaki Ji. Efficacy of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib in apatiënt with metastatic small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 48:141-144, 2005.21 - Reck MReck M, von Pawel J, Zatloukal P, Ramlau R, Gorbounova V, Hirsh V, Leighl N, Mezger J, Archer V, MooreN, Manegold C. Overall survival with cisplatin–gemcitabine and bevacizumab or placebo as first-linetherapy for nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer: results from a randomised phase III trial (AVAiL). AnnOncol 21:1804-1809, 2010.22 - Ardizzoni AArdizzoni A, Boni L, Tiseo M, et al. Cisplatin- versus carboplatin-based chemotherapy in first-line treatmentof advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: an individual patiënt data meta-analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst99:847-857, 2007.23 - Arriagada JCOArriagada JCO, Dunant A, Pignon JP, Bergman B, Chabowski M, Grunenwald D, Kozlowski M, Le PéchouxC, Pirker R, Pinel MI, Tarayre M, Le Chevalier T. Long-term results of the international adjuvant lungcancer trial evaluating adjuvant Cisplatin-based chemotherapy in resected lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010Jan 1;28(1):35-42.24 - Asamura HAsamura H, Nakayama H, Kondo H, Tsuchiya R, Naruke T. Lobe-specific extent of systematic lymph nodedissection for non-small cell lung carcinomas according to a retrospective study of metastasis andprognosis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 117:1102-1111 1999.25 - Asamura HAsamura H, Nakayama H, Kondo H, Tsuhiya R, Shimosato Y, Naruke T. Lymph node involvement,recurrence, and prognosis in resected small, peripheral, non-small-cell lung carcinomas: are thesecarcinomas candidates for video-assisted lobectomy? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 111:1125-1134, 1996.06/09/2011 <strong>Niet</strong>-<strong>kleincellig</strong> <strong>longcarcinoom</strong> (<strong>2.0</strong>) 94

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