Acta 93.indd - Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné ...

Acta 93.indd - Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné ...

Acta 93.indd - Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné ...


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quite easily. In addition, seedlings are very uniform in theirdevelopment, which allows a single evaluation.Statistical evaluation of segregation ratios was done by thechi-square test.Relative vitality (v) expressed in percent was determined asfollows: (number of golden plants / number of green plants)× 100 for the segregation ratio 1:1, as [number of goldenplants /(number of green plants × 2)] × 100 for heterozygoteclass for the ratio 1:2 or 1:2:1 and as (number of light yellowplants / number of green plants) × 100 for the homozygouslight yellow class for segregation ratio 1:2:1.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONAt the beginning of our breeding of golden-leavedpelargoniums, based on data in literature (Baur, 1907; Noak,1924; Hagemann, 1964; Almouslem, Tilney-Bassett, 1989), weassumed that after the crossing of green-leaved homozygoteAur + /Aur + and golden-leaved heterozygote Aur + /Aur we wouldobtain hybrids with the segregation ratio 1 green : 1 golden.From the <strong>pro</strong>pagation of golden-leaved parental lines weexpected the segregation ratio 1 green : 2 golden.The evaluation of segregation ratios in smaller <strong>pro</strong>geniesfrom different combination crosses mostly suggested that thesegregation ratio 1:1 was actually realized (also according tothe chi-square test). However, when we started testing selectedhybrids on a larger scale, greater irregularities were found out.This is the reason why we decided to perform several testcrossings (both in hybrids and in their golden-leaved parentallines) that would help us to explain the irregularities. Theemphasis was laid on the achievement of maximum possiblegermination to avoid the distortion of segregation ratios (inthe previous tests we detected when we induced by ethylenethe germination of the seeds that did not want to germinatein normal conditions that we obtained only golden and lightyellow plantlets in the majority of cases).Testing of segregation ratios in hybrids. The results of testingsix hybrid <strong>pro</strong>genies (Table 3) can roughly be divided intothree categories:hybrids with segregation ratio consistent with the expectedratio 1green:1goldenOnly one hybrid (No. 439) had the observed segregationratio fully consistent with expected ratio 1:1 in repeatedtests. Another three hybrids (No. 221, 338 and 246) hadthe segregation ratios close to the ratio 1:1. Their segregationratios 1:0.92 and 1:0.93 (reduction of golden heterozygotesby 7–8%) when 600 plants were tested is consistent with theratio 1:1 with P = 0.29–0.37.hybrids with segregation ratio significantly different from theexpected ratio 1green:1goldenHybrid No. 324 with segregation ratio 1:0.85 (reduction of goldenheterozygotes by 15%) is already among the <strong>pro</strong>blematic ones.In the number of 600 plants is the segregation ratio significantlydifferent from the segregation ratio 1:1 with P = 0.04.Table 3 Segregation of leaf colour in hybrid <strong>pro</strong>genies from crossing of 5 heterozygous golden-leaved lines with homozygousgreen leaved lines of Pelargonium × hortorumHybrid nr.GoldenparentSownseedsGreenplantsAur + /Aur +ProgenyGoldenplantsAur + /AurTotalplantshybrid 439 (male 167) 300 150 150 300 0.00 1.00segregation ratio 1 1percentage 50 50 100hybrid 221 (male 22) 600 311 289 600 0.81 0.37segregation ratio 1 0,93percentage 51,8 48,2 100hybrid 338 (male 22) 600 313 287 600 1.13 0.29segregation ratio 1 0,92percentage 52,2 47,8 100hybrid 246 (female 243) 600 313 287 600 1.13 0.29segregation ratio 1 0,92percentage 52,2 47,8 100hybrid 324 (female 207) 600 325 275 600 4.17* 0.04segregation ratio 1 0,85percentage 54,2 45,8 100hybrid 405 (male 346) 600 381 219 600 43.74*** 0.001segregation ratio 1 0,57percentage 63,5 36,5 100*, *** – observed segregation ratio is not consistent with expected segregation ratio 1:1 1:1P21

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