Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners


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Tagatose 125<br />

In conclusion, tagatose has three major areas of application:<br />

1. Low-calorie bulk sweetener: Based on a significantly lower caloric<br />

value than sucrose, yet having a similar level of sweetness and similar<br />

physical bulking structure, tagatose can be used as a low-calorie bulk<br />

sweetener, replacing sugar and other sweeteners in different applications<br />

at different dose levels.<br />

2. Prebiotic sweetener: Replacing sucrose in various applications and<br />

adding a prebiotic benefit.<br />

3. Flavor enhancer: Tagatose added to sweetening systems based on potent<br />

sweeteners or high-intensity sweeteners such as aspartame alone<br />

or combinations of aspartame and acesulfame potassium improves the<br />

flavor profile and the mouth-feel.<br />


Arla Foods Ingredients amba is currently seeking its self-affirmed GRAS status<br />

for d-tagatose in the United States. All relevant studies to document the safety<br />

of tagatose have been performed at FDA-approved research institutes. The key<br />

articles documenting the safety of d-tagatose appear in the April 1999 issue of<br />

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.<br />

The FDA has approved the use of a factor of 1.5 kcal/g for calculating the<br />

caloric value of tagatose.<br />


With its broad range of properties, tagatose has a unique application profile and<br />

is set to be one of the major low-calorie bulk sweeteners of the future.<br />


1. EL Hirst, L Hough, JKN Jones. Composition of the gum of Sterculia setigera: Occurrence<br />

of d-tagatose in nature. Nature 163(4135):177, 1949.<br />

2. E Troyano, I Martinez-Castro, A Olano. Kinetics of galactose and tagatose formation<br />

during heat-treatment of milk. Food Chem 45:41–43, 1992.<br />

3. G Crouzoulon. Les proprietes cinetiques du flux d’entree du fructose a travers la<br />

bordure en brosse du jejunum du rat. Arch Int Physiol Biochim 86:725–740, 1978.<br />

4. K Sigrist-Nelson, U Hopfer. A distinct d-fructose transport system in isolated brush<br />

border membrane. Biochim Biophys Acta 367:247–254, 1974.

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