Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners


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30 von Rymon Lipinski and Hanger<br />

47. U Hagenauer-Hener, C Frank, U Hener, A Mosandl. Bestimmung von Aspartame,<br />

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mittels HPLC. Dtsch Lebensm Rdsch 86:348, 1986.<br />

48. U Zache, H Gründing. Bestimmung von Acesulfam-K, Aspartam, Cyclamat und<br />

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184:530, 1987.<br />

49. A Görner, H Rückemann. Qualitative Bestimmung von Acesulfam-K in Mischfuttermitteln<br />

mittels Hochdruckflüssigkeitschromatographie. Landwirtsch Forschung 33:<br />

213, 1980.<br />

50. Th A Biemer. Analysis of saccharin, acesulfame K and sodium cyclamate by highperformance<br />

ion chromatography. J Chromatog. 463:463, 1989.<br />

51. H Klein, W Stoya. Isotachophoretische Bestimmung von Acesulfam-K in Lebensmitteln.<br />

Ernährung/Nutrition 11:322, 1987.<br />

52. Specifications for Identity and Purity, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 28, Rome,<br />

1983, p 3; Compendium of Food Additive Specifications Addendum 4, FAO Food<br />

and Nutrition Paper No. 52 Add. 4, Rome, 1996, p 1.<br />

53. Food Additives and Contaminants Committee, Report on the Review of <strong>Sweeteners</strong><br />

in Food, London, 1982.<br />

54. Federal Register 57(236):57960, 1992; Federal Register 59(230):61538, and 61543,<br />

1994; Federal Register 60(85):21700, 1995; Federal Register 63(128):36344, 1998.

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