Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners


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426 Richards and Dexter<br />

from assays performed by HBC (1997) give a specific rotation equal to [α] 20 D:<br />

199° (c 5).<br />


A. Historical Processes for Trehalose Production<br />

The isolation of trehalose from natural sources has been ongoing for several decades.<br />

Historically, the production of trehalose has been limited to small quantities<br />

obtained by extraction from microorganisms such as baker’s yeast (1, 15,<br />

16, 17). One complex purification method produced maximum yields of 0.7%,<br />

whereas later procedures resulted in yields of up to 16% of active dried yeast<br />

(92% solids) (15, 17).<br />

Recently, investigators have focused on the use of bacterial synthesis,<br />

transgenic technology, or enzymatic conversion for the production of trehalose<br />

(5). Trehalose has been isolated during the fermentation of n-alkanes by Arthrobacter<br />

sp. in quantities of 5–6 g/l (18). Three Japanese patents, issued between<br />

1975 and 1993, described the production of trehalose by bacteria using common<br />

carbon sources such as glucose and sucrose. Genetic recombination has been<br />

attempted by insertion of a gene that converts glucose into trehalose in a sugarproducing<br />

crop (5). Murao et al. reported on an enzymatic method for producing<br />

trehalose from maltose using trehalose- and maltose-phosphorylases, which provided<br />

a yield of 60% (19). Trehalose has also been produced enzymatically by<br />

a combination of acid reversion of d-glucose and trehalose (5, 20).<br />

Although these newer methods have reduced the cost of trehalose, they<br />

have not been able to provide trehalose at a cost low enough for use in most<br />

food applications. This has effectively restricted its use to research, pharmaceuticals,<br />

and high-value cosmetics.<br />

B. The Hayashibara Manufacturing Process<br />

Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories of Okayama, Japan, screened soil samples<br />

for bacteria that could produce trehalose from relatively inexpensive carbon<br />

sources such as starch or maltose.<br />

One group of bacteria were shown to convert maltose to trehalose in a<br />

manner that was more efficient than previously reported enzyme systems (19,<br />

21). A second bacterial group was found to use starch as the substrate for trehalose<br />

production (22, 23). Hayashibara scientists isolated and characterized the<br />

two different trehalose-producing enzyme systems from these organisms (21–<br />

23). Those species that produced trehalose directly from maltose required only<br />

one novel enzyme, trehalose-synthase (21). The bacteria that produced trehalose

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