Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners

Title: Alternative Sweeteners


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Xylitol 341<br />

tol in a fluoride toothpaste resulted in a 12% reduction in decayed/filled surfaces<br />

after 3 years compared with a fluoride-only toothpaste (64). In addition, there is<br />

evidence that xylitol exerts a plaque-reducing effect (65,66) and that it interferes<br />

with bacterial metabolism particularly in the presence of fluoride and zinc ions<br />

(67). An inhibitory effect on enamel demineralization has been postulated as well<br />

(68,69). There is also evidence that use of a xylitol-containing dentifice can result<br />

in a significant reduction of Streptococcus mutans in saliva (70). Because of its<br />

overall favorable effects on dental health, xylitol has also been applied in other<br />

oral care products, such as in mouth rinses and in artificial saliva (71–74).<br />


In principle, two different metabolic pathways are available for the use of xylitol:<br />

(a) direct metabolism of absorbed xylitol in the mammalian organism, mainly in<br />

the liver, or (b) indirect metabolism by means of fermentative degradation of<br />

unabsorbed xylitol by the intestinal flora.<br />

A. Indirect Metabolic Utilization<br />

All polyols, including xylitol, are slowly absorbed from the digestive tract because<br />

their transport through the intestinal mucosa is not facilitated by a specific<br />

transport system. Therefore, after ingestion of large amounts, only a certain proportion<br />

of the ingested xylitol is absorbed and enters the hepatic metabolic system<br />

through the portal vein blood. A comparatively larger amount of the ingested<br />

xylitol reaches the distal parts of the gut, where extensive fermentation by the<br />

intestinal flora takes place. Besides minor amounts of gas (H 2,CH 4,CO 2), the<br />

end-products of the bacterial metabolism of xylitol are mainly short-chain, volatile<br />

fatty acids, (i.e., acetate, propionate, and butyrate) (75–77). These products<br />

are subsequently absorbed from the gut and enter the mammalian metabolic pathways<br />

(78). Acetate and butyrate are efficiently taken up by the liver and used in<br />

mitochondria for production of acetyl-CoA. Propionate is also almost quantitatively<br />

removed by the liver and yields propionyl-CoA (79–81).<br />

The production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) is a normal process associated<br />

with the consumption of polyols and dietary fibers (cellulose, hemicelluloses,<br />

pectins, gums) for which hydrolyzing enzymes are lacking or poorly efficient in<br />

the small intestine. Under normal conditions, most of the generated VFA are<br />

absorbed from the gut and are further used by established metabolic pathways<br />

in animals and man (77,82). For the energetic use of slowly digestible materials,<br />

this fermentative, indirect route of metabolism plays an important role, and evidence<br />

has been presented that, even under normal dietary conditions (i.e., in the

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