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of the awospores are ejected). In such sections, colonies of a small-celled Trentepohh are found<br />

at the outer surface. Hence it seems probable that these small cells are aplanospores (transformed<br />

zoospores on account of the high viscosity of the gel in which they are liberated) which make thcir<br />

way to the surface of the thallus and start small colonies which serve to disseminate the alga apart<br />

from the fungus. In the sterile TI. hereroensis and U. mossamedana, Vainio reported the algae as<br />

Trenteplwlia and assigned them to RwceUa. Darbishire, Ann. Crypt. Exot., 5, 160-166. pl. 4;<br />

1932, after a study of the types, concluded that the algae were probably Protococcus, although his<br />

figures of "autospores" (pl. 4, figs. 9, 10) are strikingly similar to the aplanospores of Trente-<br />

pohlia figured by Meyer (Bot. Zeitung, 67, pl. 2, figs. 4447; 1909). The protoplast seems to be<br />

cup-shaped or perhaps a single wide parietal band, thus differing from that usual in Trentepohlia.,<br />

so that our alga may represent a new genus of the Trentepohliaceae. The yellow-orange pigment<br />

and branching, filamentous structure are very characteristic of the Trentepohliaceae.<br />

Surface of chondroid axis lacerate, the algae penetrating the lacunae, colour yellow to orange,<br />

tips blackened as in subgenus Neuropogon.<br />

Fertile, branches relatively few and erect . . . . . . . . U. Taylori<br />

Sorediose, densely branched and spreading<br />

Soralia round, slightly elevated, large, plane to somewhat eroded . U. insdaris<br />

Soralia minute on tips of abundant elevated warts . . . . U. Crombii<br />

Surface of chondroid axis not lacerate ; sorediose<br />

Surface tuberculate; cortex 90.w thick, fertile with large apothecia . . U. floriformis<br />

Surface smooth; cortex 2OP; soredia germinating in situ as propagula . . U. propagulifera<br />

USNEA TAYLORI Hook. f.<br />

Usnea TayLori Hook f., London Jour. Bot., 3,657 ; 1884: Cryptog. Antarct., 215,1845 : F1. Antarct.,<br />

2, 521 ; pl. 195, 1847 : Miill.-Arg., Bot. Jahrb. [Engler] , 3, 54 ; 1883 : Reinke, Jahrb. Wiss. Bot.<br />

[Pringsheim] ,28, 396 ; fig. 116, 117 iii, 1895 : Wilson, MBm. Herb. Boissier, 18, 87 ; 1900 :<br />

Zahlbr. in Schenck, Wiss. Ergebn. Deutsche Tiefsee Exp., 2, 1, 37; 1905 : Du Rietz, Svensk.<br />

Bot. Tidskr., 20,91; 1926 : Bouly detesdain, Ann. Crypt. Exot., 4, 101 ; 1931 : Motyka, Lich.<br />

Gen. Usnea Stud. Monog., 1,26 ; 1936.<br />

Neuropogon Taylori Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich., 1, 273 ; 1860 : Crombie, Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot., 15, 183 ;<br />

1876 : Jour. Bot. Brit. For., 15, 103 ; 1877 : Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. [London], 168, 48 ; 1879 :<br />

Rept. Sci. Results Voy. "Challenger" Bot., 1 2, 233; 1885: Zukal, Sitzungsber. Math. Naturw.<br />

Cl., K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. I, 104, 45; pl. 1, fig. 3; 1895: Lamb, Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot., 52,<br />

214; 1939.<br />

Type : Kerguelen, Christmas Harbour, J. D. Hooker (Voy. "Erebus & Terror") in Taylor<br />

Herb., cotypes widely distributed.<br />

Several plants arising from a common base, 8-10 cm. tall, erect, sparingly dichotomous!y<br />

branched below, more frequently above, primary branches 1.4-3.5 mm. in diameter, slightly<br />

attenuate below, expanding into a common hapteron; surface dull, cinnamon buff to pinkish buff,<br />

darkening to tawny olive in old plants and finally black, maculote with ivory yellow to colonial buff<br />

(suggesting soredia but not so, even in blackened, moribund plants) ; upper branches shining, black<br />

maculate but not annulate, with primrose yellow, slender tips, short and obtuse ; eramulose ; cortex<br />

sometimes enbannularly cracked but never annulate [a single plant shows verruculose pseudo-<br />

cyphelloid cortex with some verrucae elongate on the upper part of the apothecial branches, and<br />

the apothecia have similar verrucae on the lower side], not black punctuate [as Motyka states for

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