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DODGE-<strong><strong>LICHEN</strong>S</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>LICHEN</strong> <strong>PARASITES</strong> i 1<br />

Tllallus small, umbilicate, dark olive, surface dull, 75r, thick over the central portion thiniling'to<br />

about 5OP at the margin; upper and lower cortex 8-lor, thick, of about two layers of isocliametric<br />

somewhat angular cells; rest of the thallus a gel filled by filaments of Nostoc and hyphae<br />

eonfined to strands between the colonies of Nostoc (reminding one of conditions in the byrenopsiclaceae)<br />

; rhizinae over the central portion of the thallus, margins nude, composed of very long,<br />

thick-\\-allecl septate hyphae 110-120 X 4r,. Apothecia not seen.<br />

I hare hesitated to describe this sterile, sumewhat fragmented g.1-oup of thalli. At first'I<br />

tholight they inight belong it1 the section Mulloti~rrr~ of T,cptogium, but in all but onc of the<br />

:;pcc.ies of that section which I have seen, the cortex consists of a single layer of isodiametric<br />

cells as is general in that genus except in section I-'seudoleptogicin~ (where lower cortex is filaiue!itous)<br />

an? IIon~dknt (where whole thallus is pseudopareiichymatous). Physma is mucll<br />

inore common in Australasia. Krempelhuber (Reise Novara 128, 1870) lists Leptogium (Mal,<br />

lotiwm) Bwrgessii (Lightf.) Mont., a Scottish species, from St. Paul without description.<br />

Growing over mosses and old thallus of Steinern glazccella along with itllykotoblastus stephamodes.<br />

Iiergueleii: near Port Jeanne d'Arc, 1,400 ft., B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. B200-2.<br />


Thallns squamose, microphylline to almost f ruticose, with a well developed hypothall;s, with<br />

rhizinae or with a central holdfast; homoeomerous, or more or less heteromerous, mostly of large-<br />

celled pseudoparenchyma ; algge Myxophyceae. Apothecia immersed in the thallus, parathecium<br />

little developed ; paraphyses simple ; ascospores hyaline, unicellular to muriform, ellipsoidal to<br />

spherical; spermatiophores not septate, spermatia short, straight.<br />

HEPPIA Naeg.<br />

Heppiu Naeg. in Hepp, Flecht. - Enr., 49; 1853. nom. nud.: in Mass., Geneac. Lich., 7; 1854.<br />

Type : Heppia zirceolata Naeg. in Hepp.<br />

Thallus subfoliose, closely adherent to the substrate, somewhat imbricate, homoeomkrous,<br />

pseudoparenchymatous, with colonies of algae in the interstices; apothecia immersed, urceolate ;<br />

parathecium absent or evanescent ; paraphyses unbranched, septate ; asci clavate normally<br />

8-spored (many spored in 'sect. Heterim Vainio) ; ascospores unicellular, hyaline, ellipsoidal to<br />

spherical with thin walls; spermogonia immersed, spermatia ellipsoidal, straight.<br />

A widely distributed genus, mostly in the warmer, dryer areas, not previously reported<br />

from the Antarctic. Our single species belongs in the section Peltule Vainio. In some ways it<br />

also suggests Pernuldia Lynge, &dd. on1 Greenland, 118, 8, 23-25 ; 1937, but the parathecium is<br />

not so highly developed:nor is the symbiont Nostoc.<br />

HEPPIA ANTARCTICA Dodge, sp. nov.<br />

Type : MacRobertson Land : Cape Bruce, B.A.N.Z.B.R.E. B103-3.<br />

Thallus ad 2 cm. diametro, hypothallo alutaceo in locis umbrosis, vel brmlneo-olivacco in<br />

locis insolatis, marginibus laevibus, determinatis, fibrosis, areolis assimilativis 0-1-0-2 mm.<br />

diametro, subsphaericis, ad margines hypothalli subsparsis vel ad 0.5 mm. diametro, snbapplanatis,<br />

cerebriformibusve in centro confertis, albido-alutaceis in locis umbrosis, vel brunneoolivaceis<br />

in locis insolatis; hypothallo ca. 10OP crassitudine, hyphis conglutinatis, fuscis, pschydermeis,<br />

ca. 4p diametro, exteris dilutiorib~~s ; areolae assimilantes jnventute corticatae, cellulis<br />

isodiametricis (ut in Leptogio) , maturitate cortice evanescente ; algae Btiyonema, filamentis ca.<br />

15r, diametro, brevibus, in coloniis parvis, a trabeculis ex hyphis tennibus mcdullaribus separ-

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