Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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<strong>1916</strong> THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE AGES 117<br />

their traits of character and their customs; the process<br />

of production, its origin thru the sex principle; the child,<br />

the animal, social and unnatural characteristics, and<br />

every thing that is of great practical benefit in the education<br />

of mind,or soul, and the advancement of human welfare.<br />

In summing up our observations and deductions, there<br />

is only one solution to it all, and that is, we see how mind<br />

enlarges. There is no limit to man's thinking capacity,<br />

as there are oceans of water on earth, so do we find<br />

oceans of mind-substance.<br />

For the mind of God fills all<br />

space, from the most distant star, to the very substance<br />

of our being. There may be twelve different oceans which<br />

flow from one central source'but one of the twelve is a<br />

mansion for each individual. In that mansion the<br />

birth of every individual mind took place. That abode<br />

is in a triangular shape with two of its three sides pointing<br />

towards its center of light, with its third side removed<br />

in order that we may expand into infinite space in<br />

our own particular sphere.<br />

And with the third line removed,<br />

which is the sensual mind, and which places a<br />

limit upon our growth, there will be no limit to our capacity.<br />

In sensuality there is limitation. For the dying<br />

embers of a once brilliant mind may burn themselves out<br />

to <strong>com</strong>plete destruction.<br />

But on the other hand, if the mind is purified and<br />

made white, it is clear and bright, and it grows clearer<br />

and brighter with each succeeding stage of unfoldment.<br />

Hence, will, the body of the <strong>com</strong>ing Christ(the 144,000)<br />

be the ultimate, of his plan for the ac<strong>com</strong>plishing of the<br />

purpose of the Age.<br />

_4nd>4¥<br />

Love gives wisdom, the two are inseparable.-Di

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