Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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1917 EPI-IESIANS V. 14 445<br />

the vain metaphysical speculations indulged in by many<br />

who dream of a disembodied heaven, empties himself of<br />

the husks of creation; and filling his mind and form with<br />

the real and the true, reaches life-everlasting in form<br />

and function (service) here on earth in a society of people<br />

functioning as one Man, which is the Lord's second<br />

advent. Please observe that both kingdoms, namely,<br />

the kingdom of man and the kingdom of God are the<br />

products of a passion operating in man, but while the<br />

kingdom of man is based on a devouring fire (love of<br />

possession and pleasure for self) eternally destxoyir g its<br />

dwelling (lsa.xiv. 16-24), the kingdom of God is founded<br />

on everlasting light because the structure is never consumed.<br />

"And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him<br />

in a fiame of fire, out of the midst of a bush [body]: and<br />

he looked, and, behold, the bush [body] burned with fire,<br />

and the bush [body] was not consumed. (Ex. iii. 2.)<br />

Passion is a fire which dies out when the object or aim<br />

of its desire is reached.<br />

But when controlled and turned<br />

upward by means of a trained will, it be<strong>com</strong>es a steady<br />

never-failing light, illumining every object upon which<br />

the soul seeks any information. In this frame of mind<br />

man's attention is turned toward the study of self, and<br />

the fires of life-the energies evolved in the plasmic structure-are<br />

deflected from the phenomena. and depolarized<br />

from the animal impulse which profanes the house of<br />

God, permitting higher spiritual intelligenees to impress<br />

directly or indirectly the soul with those facts in spiritual<br />

being which belong to each individual who is to enter<br />

into the body of the Lord.<br />

If the soul is ignorant of the higher law of selfrestraint,<br />

and inbreathes the lower animal passion. it<br />

invites into its vital being low and debased spirits, whose<br />

name is legion, causing man to deny the very existence<br />

of God,<br />

be<strong>com</strong>ing as it were the habitation of demons;

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