Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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380 BIBLE REVIEW June-July<br />

<strong>March</strong> BIBLE REVIEW has not been received in England<br />

and Scotland, and we doubt if a single copy of that issue<br />

has reached there.<br />

A large shipment of books that was<br />

sent to London was lost at sea, and we have also received<br />

notices of several smaller shipments not being received.<br />

These conditions be<strong>com</strong>e a drain upon our finances; as<br />

Well as stop the circulation of the teachings. We are<br />

pondering over these conditions, for it seems on the<br />

one hand that we cannot afford to lose the books in the<br />

sea, and yet on the other as long as the people are calling<br />

for the teachings as they are now in England and<br />

Africa, we dislike very much to stop trying to get the<br />

books to them. The war has entirely stopt the publishing<br />

of any of the books in foreign countries.<br />

In all probability it is only a matter of time until the<br />

war conditions will make it very difiicult to circulate the<br />

books in America, or perhaps even to spread the teachings<br />

by any means.<br />

Therefore our very earnest desire<br />

to reach as many people as possible as soon as we can,<br />

impels us to urge upon all who feel an interest in this<br />

the Father's work, greater zeal and diligence all their<br />

efforts. We feel the urge that the Christ felt when he<br />

said, "I must work the works of him that sent me, while<br />

it is day: the night <strong>com</strong>eth when no man can work" (John<br />

ix. 4). It certainly looks as if this time were not far off,<br />

and yet there remain so many of the Father's children<br />

who are soul-hnngering for the truth, and who<br />

have<br />

not yet received it, while we hold it in our possession.<br />

Surely we have no time to lose. The progress of this<br />

work should not devolve upon a few only, but upon all<br />

those who have received and accepted these teachings<br />

that the Father has sent to the world to save his people.<br />

It is not enough for us to try to save ourselves, but it is<br />

our duty also to labor faithfully and earnestly to save<br />

all of the Father's children everywhere. We sincerely

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