Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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1917 PRAY ALWAYS 341<br />

once said, "Behold, the days will <strong>com</strong>e, in the which<br />

there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall<br />

not be thrown down;" evidently intending to impress the<br />

lesson that all material things are transient, and that he<br />

had no time to give to the consideration of what was of<br />

passing interest.<br />

same feeling seems<br />

sages.<br />

Thruout the history of the world the<br />

to have possest the prophets and<br />

Such a thought impelled the prophet to exclaim,<br />

"All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as<br />

the flower of the field, the grass withereth, the flower<br />

fadeth. (Is. xl. 6, 7.)<br />

He that would have unity with God must dwell always<br />

upon things that are eternal. The one who does this will<br />

be the one whose mind is constantly stayed on God; thus<br />

he prays always and faints not, never ceases.<br />

His object<br />

being to reach the highest goal of attainment, and<br />

realizing the truth of the axiom of old Hermetic philosophy,<br />

"As below, so above," he will see in every material<br />

thing something allied to, and teaching some law<br />

of the spiritual, or cause world. Perceiving this, and<br />

dwelling, as he does, among a people who need the light<br />

of truth, he will find in every subject of conversation<br />

some lesson to be taught concerning the things of God.<br />

If the aspirant will thus centralize his mind on God,<br />

on his law, his purpose,<br />

and maintain the thought as<br />

diligently and uninterruptedly as the artist pursues his<br />

art or the business man his business, refusing to dwell<br />

upon any other subject, either in thought or in conversation,<br />

at the same time desiring with all his consciousness<br />

unity with God, he will find after one month's continuous<br />

effort that he is beginning to realize something of that<br />

perfect peace of which the prophet sings, "Thou wilt<br />

keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on<br />

thee" (Isa. xxvi. 3). Then let the individual spend five<br />

or ten minutes in the ordinary gossip of the day, and

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