Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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6U BIBLE R1-:view Nov.<br />

We have not yet reached that period, but are now well<br />

advanced in the time of the beginning of sorrows. The<br />

curtain has risen on the great drama of the ages, with<br />

the world for a stage. The beginning of sorrows is largely<br />

characterized by war, to be followed by famine and<br />

pestilence. Already the evidence of famine is appearing.<br />

The cost of living in the last decade has risen seventy per<br />

cent, and thirty per cent in the last year. There is an<br />

actual shortage in almost every <strong>com</strong>modity of <strong>com</strong>merce.<br />

The great wastage brought about by the terrific struggle<br />

in Europe and which may be augmented by other wars<br />

presently to <strong>com</strong>e, will well-nigh impoverish the world.<br />

But the day will <strong>com</strong>e when peace will be restored, and<br />

the people will exclaim, "Peace and plenty." "Then <strong>com</strong>eth<br />

sudden destruetion." This period will undoubtedly<br />

be a time "when whirlwinds of rebellion shall shake the<br />

world."<br />

Here will be the opportunity for the dark and<br />

selfish organizations, <strong>com</strong>bined or working in accord, to<br />

take control of affairs. This they will be able to do.<br />

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had<br />

the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his<br />

name." (Rev. xiii. 17.) But the people cannot be fooled<br />

all the time, and eventually the man of sin will be forced<br />

into the open for a last stand.<br />

The near future rises before me as it were like a dream.<br />

I see Prince Michael, the great friend of the people and<br />

captain of the angelic hosts, unsheath the sword of divine<br />

justice. I see the men of Ninevah and the queen of the<br />

south rise in judgment against this generation and condem<br />

it. I see that thief and robber, who would climb up<br />

the other way, thou that "hast said in thine heart, I will<br />

ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars<br />

of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,<br />

in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights<br />

of the clouds; I will be like the most high. Yet thou shalt

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