Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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(llnnznratinn nf Self<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER<br />

[Reprinted from "The Esoteric" of August, 1893.]<br />

$v1njn1¢_;QESUS in his prophecy to his disciples (Matt.<br />

if 41- xxiv.) concludes the main part of it by<br />

it saying, (verse 44,) "Therefore be ye also<br />

'F *i* ready; for in such an hour as ye think not<br />

3'¥"*"*'@ the Son of man <strong>com</strong>eth." The question<br />

will arise in the mind, What can I do to get ready? and<br />

that question should be imprest upon every mind at this<br />

time; for many of the signs that Jesus mentioned have<br />

already appeared, and the time of, which he spoke is<br />

even now at the doors.<br />

Will this statement cause fear and unrest?<br />

Will it intimidate<br />

some<br />

persons? If it does it is an infallible proof<br />

to such that they are not ready, and it isanecessary<br />

warning that they should be up and doing to get ready.<br />

As to how to get ready: The vital principles of Christian<br />

devotion, when properly studied and correctly understood,<br />

fully answer this question; and this devotion is<br />

not a servile, timorous condition, but one of great delight<br />

to the human soul. We look back to the time when we<br />

were but 12 years of age, when, in public meetings, we<br />

often told the people that is was very hard to follow the<br />

Lord "afar off," but that it was easy to live very close to<br />

him._ As the 40 additional years of our life have worn on<br />

we have realized more fully this fact.<br />

It is the highest and grandest privilege granted to<br />

mortals, to know day by day-as Abraham did-that

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