Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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402 BIBLE aavmw Aug.-Sep_<br />

people, but awake to the necessity of that self-culture<br />

which frees man's body from all slavery of mind proceeding<br />

from the carnal nature; and he who would be<br />

hom again, and be<strong>com</strong>e a member of the true Christian<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity, must conquer all psychic, sexual-influence,<br />

which as is well known attacks man in his passive state<br />

in a most degrading fashion; and even thoughts of this<br />

class must be met in the dream state and dismissed as<br />

unworthy of the neophyte's consideration.<br />

Now when man has reached freedom, and liberty to<br />

choose, he must turn his attention to the realization of<br />

his ideal state which is in his possession, and which to<br />

enjoy is only possible where men as well as women are<br />

free from the demon lust and greed of possessions.<br />

Please observe: we have the foundation, namely, Christ;<br />

but the kingdom must be constructed by men who have<br />

reached the full stature of the Lord.<br />

The true heavenly State existing in such society is<br />

an inward life, and an inward law, and those people<br />

have no written precepts, ordinances, or statutes, and<br />

there are no ofiicers of law to enforce an<br />

infraction<br />

against irrational conduct, because the laws of the God<br />

of Truth are written in the hearts of those people, and<br />

he himself dwells in them in their life, in their mind,<br />

and in their inmost being, consequently there is no room<br />

for the enemy to enter.<br />

It is a living body, a structure<br />

that is always awake, there is no night there, for God<br />

himself is the light thereof.<br />

In such an organization there is no such a thing as private<br />

property; and as a matter of fact the idea of property<br />

is repulsive, being a species of slavery indulged in<br />

by the ignorant who imagine that they possess land,<br />

houses, money, and other modes of wealth, while in reality,<br />

it is man who is possest by perishable and dead<br />

things to his own infinite harm. Thru the law of Us!-:,

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