Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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<strong>1916</strong> KEEPING THE SABBATH 79<br />

tion is carried on by means of generation, and the work<br />

of the whole world, not onlyof man but of all flesh, is to<br />

produce its kind, to look out for its interests, and to<br />

bring it to maturity. Concerning this work of generation,<br />

it was said to Adam that there should be labor, sorrow,<br />

and death. In the quotation before us it says, "If thou<br />

turn away thy foot from the sabbath," and this means,<br />

in other words, from treading it down, from ignoring it,<br />

from going your own way,which way is the way of labor.<br />

If the Sabbath means cessation from labor, and if the<br />

labor of all flesh is based on the generation of its kind,<br />

then these verses clearly refer to the work of regeneration,<br />

to the over<strong>com</strong>ing of generation in one's own person.<br />

Therefore it says, "If thou turn away thy foot from<br />

the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day,"<br />

the Lord's holy day <strong>com</strong>es when the work of creation is<br />

finished in the world.<br />

We read that the Lord said, "Let us make man in our<br />

image and after our likeness, and let them have dominion, "<br />

etc. Do you think that the Lord simply said this, and that<br />

it never will be fulfilled? Is he not as wise as any me-<br />

_<br />

chanic of the world?<br />

the house is built and <strong>com</strong>pleted,<br />

If a mechanic builds a house, when<br />

he ceases to work on<br />

the house. So it is at the present time, God _began the<br />

work of creation, of making man in his own image and<br />

likeness, and there are but few persons in the world to-day,<br />

who think who do not feel that the time is now at hand<br />

for the <strong>com</strong>pletion of that work in the lives of men. This<br />

makes it necessary that men should turn away their foot<br />

from the Sabbath, from doing the things that have been<br />

their pleasure in all the centuries that have past, and that<br />

they should now begin to live the life of regeneration, as<br />

it says, they shall "call the sabbath a delight, and the<br />

holy of the LORD [YAHVEH] honorable; and shalt honor it,<br />

not doing thine own way, nor finding thine own pleasure."

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