Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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24 mam: naviaw Oct.<br />

"grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the truth [of<br />

the teachings of the Christ]," how man) of these thirgs<br />

are surely known that were not known centuries ago?<br />

In other words, how much of the Christian religion that<br />

to our forefathers was only faith, remains but faith today?<br />

We feel safe in saying that if those thirgs that<br />

were matters of faith to our forefathers of a century or<br />

more ago remain to the Church but matters of faith still,<br />

then for a century or more there has been no growth in<br />

the Church. But one will say, "Faith in the vicarious<br />

virtue of the blood that was shed upon Calvary must<br />

always remain but faith, only after death we find it<br />

true." It is true that the faith taught by the Christian<br />

Church must remain always a faith, and cannot be knowledge<br />

to the living; but the teachings of the Christ were<br />

of things that can be known, else why his declaration,<br />

"Ye shall know the truth"? Thru the prophet, God cried<br />

to the people, "Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I<br />

will also reject thee." It is not enough that we say, "I<br />

have faith, I have' an abundant unwavering faith."<br />

we ask, as it was asked of old, "Can faith save him?"<br />

But<br />

(James ii. 14.) Knowledge is gained by experience,<br />

faith may be gained thru teaching. Then faith that does<br />

not lead to experience, and thru experience to knowledge,<br />

is in vain.<br />

Jesus taught that it is possible to know Gcd.<br />

To say,<br />

"I know such a one," means that that one has been seen,<br />

and recognized, and would be recognized if seen again.<br />

Again, Jesus declared that "The pure in heart shall<br />

see God." Again, he declared, "This is life eternal, that<br />

they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ<br />

whom thou hast sent." That is, it is possible for one,<br />

by practising the teachings given, to see Gcd's face, and<br />

to know him; and when this knowledge is gained, endless<br />

life is assured.<br />

But this attaining of endless life is not

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