Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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that the ants even keep slaves, and cows which they<br />

milk. All this is a manifestation of mind,-a manifestation<br />

which may be followed thru all grades' of animate<br />

life down to the protozoa. Out of this realm of mind,<br />

whose activity is confined to the instincts of the physical<br />

body, has grown a reasoning intelligence, and that intelligence<br />

having obtained all that it possesses from the<br />

lower realm of mind, is inclined, in its more mature<br />

phase, to turn round, and, as it were, look back over the<br />

road by which it has <strong>com</strong>e, to question each and every<br />

attitude, to trace out the connecting links between the<br />

higher and lower intelligence, and, in the examination<br />

of the lower phases of mind from which it has arisen,<br />

to discover the laws governing life, hoping thereby to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e acquainted with the causes of failure. disappointment,<br />

sickness, sorrow, and death.<br />

The moth has not yet discovered that the light of fire<br />

will burn it, and, consequently, it rushes into the flame<br />

and is consumed. The higher order of animals have<br />

learned that fire will burn, that water will drovi n, that<br />

falling will injure or kill. Man has learned that many<br />

other things are sources of injury; but the majority of<br />

the race have still to learn that the violation of the law<br />

brings disease and death, that the keeping of the law<br />

will guarantee perpetual life, health, and peace. The<br />

faculty of preserving the body from the ravages of disease,<br />

is one of the most marked characteristics of the<br />

animal world and of human instinct, yet it is strange<br />

that so few of us intelligently recognize the basis upon<br />

which this faculty rests- which is. that all life is a struggle,<br />

a <strong>com</strong>bat, a perpetual resistence, and that this resistence,<br />

properly directed, is capable of over<strong>com</strong>ing all<br />

diseased conditions to which flesh is heir.<br />

We see the animal world in<br />

constant effort to resist<br />

death and its influences, and we know also that the per-

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