Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com

Bible Review V15: October 1916 - March 1918 - Iapsop.com


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1917-18 THE EASY WAY 511<br />

these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no<br />

thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought<br />

for the things of itself. Sufiicient unto the day is the<br />

evil thereof."<br />

This passage has been quoted by the unthinking<br />

thousands, as favoring the idea that there is no<br />

use in thinking or_ acting; to live in devotion, prayer is<br />

the only essential.<br />

But how can one live in accordance<br />

with an injunction, or a precept spoken in an unknown<br />

language? For certainly these words are no more understood<br />

than if they were so spoken. Notwithstanding, if<br />

men would read them with the same intelligent thoughtfulness<br />

that they would history, or any work in the sciences,<br />

they would readily discern the <strong>com</strong>prehensiveness<br />

of these thoughts and their many leading lines.<br />

Let us examine a few of the radiating lines in this declaration;<br />

let us start out in some of the paths leading to<br />

their <strong>com</strong>prehension. First, then, "to seek" athing is<br />

to use all means known to us by which it may be found.<br />

It is not enough to ask it of some one else and then sit<br />

down; that is not seeking. The churches in the past,<br />

while asking God for his kingdom have not been seeking<br />

it themselves. Notwithstanding, the same great Master,<br />

their accepted Lord and God, told them explicitly that<br />

the kingdom of heaven was within them, they, contradicting<br />

him, have said that man was born sin-curst and<br />

vile, from his mother's womb. True it is we are vile<br />

enough, still, if we ever find the kingdom of God, we<br />

will find it within ourselves. So, then, there is no other<br />

place in heaven, or in the earth, or under the earth in<br />

which to look for the kingdom of heaven but within YOU.<br />

Alas! that men, after looking within themselves for centuries<br />

should conclude that they are only vile and sinful;<br />

that they should make the mistake of continually seeking<br />

the kingdom of heaven, or thinking they are doing<br />

so, forgetting the main essential, the second part of the

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