2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Friday, April 4-2:45 pm<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Public-Service Motivation and Organizational Performance in<br />

Public Sector Organizations: Mediating Roles of Organizational<br />

Citizenship Behaviors<br />

We mainly hypothesize whether PSM directly affects performance,<br />

as well as affects performance through OCB. Before conducting<br />

a structural model in SEM, we will conduct a second-order<br />

confirmatory factor analyses regarding major variables.<br />

Taejun Cho, SUNY, Albany<br />

taejunc@hotmail.com<br />

Minchul Shin, Seoul Development Institute<br />

heisminchul@gmail.com<br />

Determinants of <strong>Program</strong> Performancef: Results from OMB’s<br />

PART Analysis<br />

This article examines the impact of program design, policy<br />

typology, and budgetary support on the performance of over<br />

900 federal programs on OMB’s PART Analysis and Scorecard<br />

Initiative.<br />

Ernita Joaquin, University of Nevada, Las Vegas<br />

ernie.joaquin@gmail.com<br />

Thomas J. Greitens, Central Michigan University<br />

thomas.greitens@cmich.edu<br />

Suho Bae, San Francisco State University<br />

bae@sfsu.edu<br />


Room UEH 408 on the 4th Floor, Fri at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Lilly J. Goren, Carroll College<br />

lgoren@cc.edu<br />

Paper Parties, Patriot Kings and the Republican Logic of Going<br />

Public, 1789-1800<br />

A close look at the Jeffersonian opposition movement's rationale<br />

for connecting with public opinion reveals important precursors to<br />

the development of presidential partisanship and popular rhetorical<br />

leadership.<br />

Chris West, Rutgers University<br />

cwest@eden.rutgers.edu<br />

Paper James Madison, Executive Power, and the Question of<br />

Consistency<br />

This paper will argue that the apparent inconsistency between his<br />

political thought and behavior in the 1780's and 1790's was a result<br />

of his ambivalence toward executive power.<br />

Gregory J. Edwards, Empire State College, SUNY<br />

gregory.edwards@esc.edu<br />

Paper Prudence and Moderation in the Statesmanship of Abraham<br />

Lincoln<br />

Ancient political thought puts the virtues of prudence and<br />

moderation at the heart of statesmanship. This paper shows how<br />

Abraham Lincoln exemplified these virtues and how they are<br />

necessary for the success of the liberal American regime.<br />

Jon D. Schaff, Northern State University<br />

schaff@northern.edu<br />

Paper An Unconstitutional Governor: Woodrow Wilson and the<br />

People's Executive, 1885-1913<br />

This paper explores the governorship and executive vision of<br />

Woodrow Wilson in the context of emerging Progressive Era<br />

notions of executive governance. Wilson's Trenton tenure is the key<br />

bridge between the governor-presidencies of Cleveland and FDR.<br />

Saladin Malik Ambar, Rutgers University<br />

sambar@eden.rutgers.edu<br />

Disc. Lilly J. Goren, Carroll College<br />

lgoren@cc.edu<br />


Room UEH 412 on the 4th Floor, Fri at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Hassan Bashir, Texas A&M University, Qatar<br />

hassan.bashir@qatar.tamu.edu<br />

Paper The Multicultural Paradox: Muslim Integration in Greater<br />

London<br />

Western identity is under challenge by a vibrant Muslim minority,<br />

leading to escalating social consequences if not recognized and<br />

addressed. Greater London provides an opportunity to explore<br />

alternative models for the way we look at difference.<br />

Tim R. McDonald, Hamline University<br />

tmcdonald02@gmail.com<br />

Paper The West and Islam: Clashing Interests or Competing<br />

Certainties<br />

In my research I will test Huntington's claim concerning Islam-West<br />

relations. Given the fact competing religions make irreconcilable<br />

claims about how we should live in this world, it is essential we<br />

understand the role it plays in shaping conflict.<br />

Sean Derek Illing, University of West Florida<br />

sdi1@students.uwf.edu<br />

Paper The Critique of the Islamic Alternative<br />

With a case study from Turkey, the paper offers a critical analysis of<br />

the Islamic critique of the modern market economy and its so-called<br />

alternative development model.<br />

Evren Hosgor, Lancaster University<br />

a.hosgor@lancaster.ac.uk<br />

Paper Politics and Religion in Modern Shi’a Islam Towards a<br />

Radicalism of Synthesis Case study: Ali Shari’ati and the<br />

Iranian revolutionary theology<br />

This paper attempts to analyze the power lines of the new<br />

relationship between politics and religion in the context of the<br />

Shi'a Islam starting from the paradigmatic example of the Iranian<br />

revolution.<br />

Dragos Stoica, Concordia University, Montreal<br />

dragos_stoic@yahoo.com<br />

Disc. Hassan Bashir, Texas A&M University, Qatar<br />

hassan.bashir@qatar.tamu.edu<br />



Room Honore on the Lobby Level, Fri at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Margaret E. Rincker, Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

mrincker@iwu.edu<br />

Panelist Jae-Jae M. Spoon, University of Iowa<br />

jae-jae-spoon@uiowa.edu<br />

Frances B. Henderson, Maryville College<br />

frances.hednerson@maryvillecollege.edu<br />

Marshall W. Thompson, Northeastern Illinois University<br />

m-thompson4@meiu.edu<br />

Gina Yannitell Reinhardt, Texas A&M University<br />

greinhardt@bushschool.tamu.edu<br />


Room Suite 13-250 on the 13th Floor, Fri at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Matthew J. Franck, Radford University<br />

mfranck@radford.edu<br />

Paper What Comes After Modernity Leo Strauss and the Return of<br />

the Polis<br />

Leo Strauss notes the ancient city's link between political/sacred.<br />

Christianity shattered this by distancing religion from the public<br />

realm. As Christianity's influence wanes, Strauss considers the<br />

ancient city's political/sacred link will return.<br />

J. Christopher Paskewich, University of Connecticut<br />

chris_paskewich@yahoo.com<br />


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