2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Saturday, April 5-10:00 am<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Misplaced Nationalism: A Study of Cyprus<br />

Cypriots continue to cling to their Greek and Turkish identities<br />

despite the fact that it almost resulted in the sacrifice of Cypriot<br />

sovereignty. This study looks at the concept of nationalism<br />

regarding the longevity of the Cyprus problem.<br />

Alexandria J. Innes, Marquette University<br />

alexandria.innes@mu.edu<br />

Nadav Shelef, University of Wisconsin, Madison<br />

shelef@wisc.edu<br />


Room Suite 15-250 on the 15th Floor, Sat at 10:00 am<br />

Chair David Doherty, University of Colorado, Boulder<br />

dohertyd@colorado.edu<br />

Paper Emotional Ambivalence: Causes and Consequences for <strong>Political</strong><br />

Behavior<br />

This paper examines emotional ambivalence by comparing it to<br />

other forms of ambivalence, examining the causes of conflicting<br />

political emotions, and exploring the resolution of and consequences<br />

of it in the context of American political behavior.<br />

Patrick R. Miller, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill<br />

millerpr@email.unc.edu<br />

Paper Elite Polarization, Partisan Ambivalence, and a Preference for<br />

Divided Government<br />

We demonstrate that elite polarization exerts a non-linear and<br />

conditional influence on ambivalence toward the political parties. In<br />

turn, partisan ambivalence is among the strongest determinants of<br />

preferences for divided vs. unified government.<br />

Christopher Johnston, Stony Brook University<br />

johncd1@gmail.com<br />

Howard Lavine, Stony Brook University<br />

hlavine@notes.cc.sunysb.edu<br />

Marco Steenbergen, University of Bern<br />

marco.steenbergen@ipw.unibe.ch<br />

David Perkins, Brook University<br />

franciscoperkins@hotmail.edu<br />

Paper Disentangling Subjective and Objective Ambivalence<br />

This paper explores the relationship between subjective and<br />

objective ambivalence. We examine why this relationship differs by<br />

issue, the relationship between ambivalence and attitude strength,<br />

and the role of personality in ambivalence.<br />

Neil T. Baer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign<br />

nbaer2@uiuc.edu<br />

Elizabeth Popp, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign<br />

epopp2@uiuc.edu<br />

Disc. David Doherty, University of Colorado, Boulder<br />

dohertyd@colorado.edu<br />


Room Suite 13-250 on the 13th Floor, Sat at 10:00 am<br />

Chair Keith L. Dougherty, University of Georgia<br />

dougherk@uga.edu<br />

Paper The Pronouncements of Paranoid Politicians<br />

Known impossibility results have shown that not announcing<br />

policy can never be an equilibrium in political contests. This paper<br />

overcomes these impossibility results. The predictions of the model<br />

are consistent with data on U.S. Senate races.<br />

Guido Cataife, Washington University, St. Louis<br />

gcataife@artsci.wustl.edu<br />

Paper The Complexity of Presidential Primaries<br />

An agent based model of presidential primaries, viewing them as a<br />

complex adaptive system.<br />

Robi Ragan, University of Georgia<br />

robi.ragan@gmail.com<br />

Paul-Henri Gurian, University of Georgia<br />

phgurian@uga.edu<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Timing is Everything: A Dynamic Model of Candidate Entry<br />

This paper presents a model of a candidate entry into electoral<br />

contests. The model accounts both for popular candidates who opt<br />

not to enter a race and sure losers who opt into elections.<br />

Daniel B. Magleby, University of Michigan<br />

dmagleby@umich.edu<br />

Jonathan Wand, Stanford University<br />

wand@stanford.edu<br />


Room PDR 7 on the 3rd Floor, Sat at 10:00 am<br />

Chair Joy K. Langston, CIDE, Mexico City<br />

joy.langston@cide.edu<br />

Paper The Fifth Source and the Gift Horse: Public Money and PACs<br />

in Four State Elections<br />

I find evidence that while PACs remain key players in partiallyfunded<br />

state elections, full funding such as that in Arizona and<br />

Maine holds the promise to attenuate the effect of PAC money on<br />

candidates’ general election vote share.<br />

Michael G. Miller, Cornell University<br />

mgm44@cornell.edu<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Issue Ownership and Presidential Policy's Effect on<br />

Congressional Elections<br />

Attempts to combine Petrocik (1996) issue ownership theory with<br />

current campaign research studies literature (Adams and Merrill<br />

2003, Kollman, Miller and Page 1998, etc.) in an attempt to gain<br />

new leverage on the question of midterm referrenda.<br />

Jared Kahanek, University of North Texas<br />

jek0074@unt.edu<br />

Congressional Campaigns, Competitiveness and <strong>Political</strong><br />

Attitudes<br />

This presentation examines the connection between the<br />

competitiveness of Congressional campaigns and trends in<br />

individually expressed levels of political trust and external efficacy<br />

in the United States.<br />

August Ruckdeschel, University of Colorado, Boulder<br />

august.ruckdeschel@colorado.edu<br />

Persuasion vs. Mobilization: Assessing the Impact of Campaign<br />

Spending<br />

This paper aims at providing an empirical assessment of persuasive<br />

and mobilization effects. Taking advantage of the French electoral<br />

system (two rounds), we estimate the marginal effect of campaign<br />

spending on swinging voters and advocating voters.<br />

Abel François, University of Strasbourg<br />

abel.francois@urs.u-strasbg.fr<br />

Martial Foucault, University of Montreal<br />

martial.foucault@umontreal.ca<br />

Reassessing the Impact of Campaign Expenditures in<br />

Legislative Elections<br />

This paper challenges the conventional wisdom about the<br />

significance of money in legislative elections. When using a<br />

dichotomous win/loss measure for election outcomes, the impact of<br />

expenditures is dwarfed by that of incumbency.<br />

Nicholas R. Seabrook, University at Buffalo, SUNY<br />

seabrook@buffalo.edu<br />

Allan J. Cigler, University of Kansas<br />

acigler@ku.edu<br />


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