2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Saturday, April 5-2:45 pm<br />

Saturday, April 5-2:45 pm<br />


DEMOCRACIES (Co-sponsored with Comparative<br />

Room<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Politics: Developing Countries, see 3-14)<br />

Crystal on the 3rd Floor, Sat at 2:45 pm<br />

Left-Wing Veto Players and Agenda Setters: Economic Reform<br />

in Developing Democracies<br />

Why do some states implement economic reform policies while<br />

others fail to do so In this paper, I show that the number and<br />

ideological positions of veto players and their interactions explain<br />

differences in economic reform efforts and outcomes.<br />

Julia Hyeyong Kim, University of California, Los Angeles<br />

juliakim@ucla.edu<br />

Do Competitive Elections Matter Elections and Policy<br />

Outcomes in Mexican Municipalities<br />

Following an empirical strategy that exploits wide variation in<br />

electoral competition in Mexico during the years 1988-2002, this<br />

paper assesses its effect on taxation, public expenditures and the<br />

coverage of public services at the municipal level.<br />

Juan Fernando Ibarra del Cueto, University of Chicago<br />

jfibarra@uchicago.edu<br />

What Does Meaningful Participation Mean<br />

"What does meaningful participation mean" investigates some of<br />

the conceptual and methodological issues associated with using this<br />

loaded term that is essential to critical evaluations of democracy.<br />

Michael Marx McCarthy, Johns Hopkins University<br />

mmccarthy@jhu.edu<br />

Clientelist Accountability in Policy Representation: Evidence<br />

from India<br />

This paper uses original public opinion data of 1700 households and<br />

40 political leaders to assess how clientelism, in its many forms,<br />

influences how political leaders represent the policy preferences of<br />

their constituents in Bangalore, India.<br />

Mary E. Breeding, American University<br />

mary.breeding@american.edu<br />

Alberto Simpser, University of Chicago<br />

asimpser@uchicago.edu<br />

Mariela Szwarcberg, University of Chicago<br />

marielas@uchicago.edu<br />


with Comparative Politics: <strong>Political</strong> Behavior<br />

and Comparative Politics: Industrialized Countries, see<br />

6-11 and 2-15<br />

Room Red Lacquer on the 4th Floor, Sat at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Michael Thrasher, University of Plymouth<br />

M.Thrasher@plymouth.ac.uk<br />

Paper Voting for Coalitions: Strategic Voting Under Proportional<br />

Representation<br />

We demonstrate that voters in PR systems vote based on<br />

expectations about coalition composition. In particular, they employ<br />

Duvergerian logic: when expecting an unfavorable coalition, they<br />

desert their first choice and endorse a lesser of evils.<br />

Matias A. Bargsted, University of Michigan<br />

bargsted@umich.edu<br />

Orit Kedar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br />

okedar@MIT.EDU<br />

Paper Incentives for Strategic Voting in a PR System<br />

We examine the role of expectations and party preferences on voting<br />

for coalition governments.<br />

Shaun Bowler, University of California, Riverside<br />

shaunb@ucr.edu<br />

Todd Donovan, Western Washington University<br />

Todd.Donovan@wwu.edu<br />

Jeffrey Karp, University of Exeter<br />

j.karp@exeter.ac.uk<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

A Strategic Ideological Vote<br />

This paper investigates the conditions under which voters cast a<br />

strategic (non-ideological) vote for coalition governments.<br />

Raymond Duch, University of Oxford<br />

raymond.duch@nuffield.ox.ac.uk<br />

Voting for Coalitions The Role of Coalition Preferences and<br />

Expectations in Voting Behavior<br />

In the paper, we investigate the effect of coalition preferences and<br />

expectations on vote decisions, above and beyond the preferences<br />

for specific parties.<br />

Michael Meffert, University of Mannheim<br />

meffert@sfb504.uni-mannheim.de<br />

Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim<br />

Thomas.Gschwend@mzes.uni-mannheim.de<br />

Randy Stevenson, Rice University<br />

stevenso@ruf.rice.edu<br />


Room UEH 402 on the 4th Floor, Sat at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Ekaterina Levintova, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay<br />

levintoe@uwgb.edu<br />

Paper Filling a Void: Understanding Human Rights Abuse and the<br />

Role of Literature in Social Healing<br />

Literature can be used as a tool for genocide education to fill in the<br />

gaps left by truth commissions that typically rely on quantifiable<br />

data to illustrate the "truth" of a particular conflict after the fact.<br />

Katie A. Kruger, California State University, Long Beach<br />

kkruger@csulb.edu<br />

Paper Vetting in Transitional Societies<br />

Why do some states and not others employ vetting This paper<br />

utilizes the norms and democratic transitions literatures to<br />

investigate the causal mechanisms that influence transitioning<br />

societies to implement vetting processes.<br />

Moira Katherine Lynch, University of Minnesota<br />

lynch218@umn.edu<br />

Paper Seeking Truth after Fifty Years: Truth Commission on Jeju<br />

April 3rd Massacre in Korea<br />

This paper explores the process of the establishment of the National<br />

Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju 4.3 (April<br />

3rd) Massacre and the process of truth-seeking and debates and<br />

controversies occurred in the middle of process.<br />

Hunjoon Kim, University of Minnesota<br />

kimx0759@umn.edu<br />

Disc.<br />

Andrea Elizabeth Jones-Rooy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor<br />

ajonrooy@umich.edu<br />



Room PDR 17 on the 5th Floor, Sat at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Gustavo A. Gordillo, Indiana University, Bloomington<br />

ggordill@indiana.edu<br />

Paper Denounce vs. Control: Legislative Oversight in Mexico and<br />

Latin America<br />

With data from five states in Mexico I document how legislators<br />

oversee the bureaucracy in developing countries. Inability to<br />

directly enforce sanctions forces legislators to use formal powers of<br />

control only to denounce bureaucratic wrongdoing.<br />

Alejandra Rios-Cazares, University of California, San Diego<br />

arioscaz@weber.ucsd.edu<br />

Paper<br />

Civil Society and Police Reform in Brazil<br />

This study examines the various roles and relative impact of Civil<br />

Society on Police Reforms and subsequently, police violence in<br />

three states and at the level of the federal government in Brazil over<br />

the last 15 years.<br />

Ronald E. Ahnen, St. Mary's College of California<br />

rahnen@stmarys-ca.edu<br />


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