2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Thursday, April 3-2:45 pm<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

An Empirical Analysis of Welfare Reform and Inter-<br />

Organizational Changes in Service Delivery<br />

This paper analyses organizational ego-centric network data from<br />

welfare-related social service providers in Indiana in order to<br />

address changes of the organization of human service delivery to the<br />

poor as a result of welfare reform.<br />

David Reingold, Indiana University<br />

reingold@indiana.edu<br />

Helen Liu, Indiana University<br />

hkliu@indiana.edu<br />

Scott Lamothe, University of Oklahoma<br />

slamothe@ou.edu<br />

Scott Parham, Davenport University<br />

john.parham@davenport.edu<br />


Room UEH 400 on the 4th Floor, Thur at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Ross Cory Alexander, North Georgia College & State University<br />

rcalexander@ngcsu.edu<br />

Paper The Capacity to Manage, the Capacity Govern in the Age of<br />

Globalization<br />

Argues for building an anticipatory, future-shaping capacity to<br />

manage for sound governance in the age of rapid globalization<br />

and hyper-uncertainty; offers as a modest prescription for survival<br />

strategic capacities to manage for public governance.<br />

Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University<br />

afarazma@fau.edu<br />

Paper The Politics of Learning in International Public<br />

Administrations<br />

This paper develops a new model of organizational learning,<br />

which is suitable to explain organizational change and persistence<br />

in international public administrations taking into account their<br />

demanding, changing and politicized external environment.<br />

Julian L. Junk, University of Konstanz<br />

julian.junk@uni-konstanz.de<br />

Rainer Breul, German Foreign Ministry<br />

rainer.breul@gmail.com<br />

Paper Global Pharmaceutical Regulation: The FDA in Context and<br />

Interdependence<br />

An analysis of pharmaceutical regulation in advanced industrialized<br />

countries through the lens of organizational reputation. Differences<br />

between American and European arrangements are analyzed, as are<br />

dependencies between among these arrangements.<br />

Daniel Carpenter, Harvard University<br />

dcarpenter@gov.harvard.edu<br />

Disc. Ross Cory Alexander, North Georgia College & State University<br />

rcalexander@ngcsu.edu<br />

Paper<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Religion and Congress: Representation and Counterterrorism<br />

Votes<br />

During the 109th Congress, the House voted on a number of<br />

legislative proposals responding to the challenge of Islamic<br />

terrorism. I explore whether the presence of Muslims in a district<br />

impacted roll-call voting on these contentious issues.<br />

Shane Martin, Dublin City University<br />

shane.martin@dcu.ie<br />

The Moral of the Story: Religious Policy Images Meet the Debt<br />

Forgiveness Movement<br />

This research utilizes theories of global social movements and<br />

policy images to explore the origins of the debt forgiveness<br />

movement and the content of the policy images that catapulted the<br />

issue onto public agendas.<br />

Larycia Hawkins, Wheaton College<br />

larycia@yahoo.com<br />

Larisa Yun, University of Oklahoma<br />

larisay@ou.edu<br />

Michael S. Rodriguez, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey<br />

michael.rodriguez@stockton.edu<br />

Matthew L. Jacobsmeier, University of Rochester<br />

mier@mail.rochester.edu<br />




Room Empire on the Lobby Level, Thur at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Celeste Montoya-Kirk, University of Colorado, Boulder<br />

celeste.montoyakirk@colorado.edu<br />

Panelist Naomi Murakawa, University of Washington<br />

murakawa@u.washington.edu<br />

Angela Lewis, University of Alabama, Birmingham<br />

dralewis@uab.edu<br />

Clarissa Peterson, DePauw University<br />

cpeterson@depauw.edu<br />

Christina Bejarano, University of Kansas<br />

cbejaran@ku.edu<br />


Room PDR 5 on the 3rd Floor, Thur at 2:45 pm<br />

Chair Matthew L. Jacobsmeier, University of Rochester<br />

mier@mail.rochester.edu<br />

Paper Divorce Laws and the Missing Culture War in America<br />

This paper aims to show that the political positions of religious<br />

groups and denominations change alongside the broader culture,<br />

thereby reducing the potential for a "culture war."<br />

Mark A. Smith, University of Washington<br />

masmith@u.washington.edu<br />

Paper Sharing the Faith: How Religious Interest Groups Build Media<br />

Strategies<br />

Liberal and conservative religious interest groups approach media<br />

strategies in substantially different ways. This difference helps<br />

account for the underrepresentation of liberal groups in the media<br />

and their lack of influence over issue framing.<br />

Katy Stenger, Gustavus Adolphus College<br />

kstenger@gustavus.edu<br />

Mikka McCracken, Gustavus Adolphus College<br />

mmccrack@gustavus.edu<br />


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