2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2008 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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Thursday, April 3-4:45 pm<br />


Room Salon 2 on the 3rd Floor, Thur at 4:45 pm<br />

Chair Timothy Feddersen, Northwestern University<br />

Paper A Measure of Bizarreness<br />

We introduce a new measure of compactness of legislative districts:<br />

The probability that a district will contain the shortest path between<br />

a randomly selected pair of its’ residents.<br />

Christopher P. Chambers, California Institute of Technology<br />

chambers@hss.caltech.edu<br />

Alan D. Miller, California Institute of Technology<br />

alan@hss.caltech.edu<br />

Paper Get Out the (Costly) Vote: Institutional Design for Greater<br />

Participation<br />

To address controversy surrounding recent proposals to offer<br />

lottery prizes to voters, we examine voter lotteries within a formal<br />

theoretical model where voting is costly and voters vary in their<br />

information quality.<br />

Dino Gerardi, Yale University<br />

donato.gerardi@yale.edu<br />

Margaret Anne McConnell, California Institute of Technology<br />

mmcconnell@hss.caltech.edu<br />

Julian Romero, California Institute of Technology<br />

jnr@hss.caltech.edu<br />

Leeat Yariv, California Institute of Technology<br />

lyariv@hss.caltech.edu<br />

Paper The Logic of Super-Victory: Incentives for Electoral Corruption<br />

in Developing Countries<br />

Elections in developing countries are often manipulated and won by<br />

overwhelming margins. Existing ideas about electoral manipulation<br />

do not easily explain this pattern. I propose that overwhelming<br />

victory can be pursued to deter participation.<br />

Alberto Simpser, University of Chicago<br />

asimpser@uchicago.edu<br />

Disc. Timothy Feddersen, Northwestern University<br />


Room PDR 9 on the 3rd Floor, Thur at 4:45 pm<br />

Chair James Adams, University of California, Davis<br />

jfadams@ucdavis.edu<br />

Paper A Generalization of the Hotelling-Salop Model to M-Dimensions<br />

This study generalizes to a structure allowing for (five types of<br />

pure) location strategies in N-markets and m-dimensions. Results<br />

applied to models of election competition, variants of median<br />

voting, or indices of partisan competition.<br />

Allen Bronson Brierly, Northern Iowa University<br />

albrierly@aol.com<br />

Paper Is the 50-State Strategy Optimal<br />

With the 50-state strategy the DNC seeks to build its base in all<br />

50 states. With a dynamic model of political campaign resource<br />

allocation, this paper examines the critiscm that the strategy trades<br />

off short-term gains for long-term party-building.<br />

Dan Kovenock, Purdue University<br />

kovenock@purdue.edu<br />

Brian Roberson, Miami University<br />

robersba@muohio.edu<br />

Paper Why Primaries The Strategic Choice of a Candidate Selection<br />

Method<br />

Why do parties adopt primary elections Our premise is that<br />

primary elections serve as a mechanism to reveal the campaigning<br />

skills of candidates. However, this benefits might be offset by the<br />

extremism of primary voters.<br />

Gilles Serra, Oxford University<br />

gilles.serra@nuffield.ox.ac.uk<br />

Paper<br />

Disc.<br />

Emergent Voter Behavior in Multi-Party Elections: An Agent<br />

Based Simulation<br />

A model of the endogenous dynamic evolution of voters’<br />

preferences is implemented in a Netlogo simulation, serving<br />

as a tool to explore the dynamic endogenous evolution of<br />

voter preferences within the context of a spatial model of party<br />

competition<br />

Alberto Alexander Perez, Trinity College, Dublin<br />

aperez@tcd.ie<br />

James Adams, University of California, Davis<br />

jfadams@ucdavis.edu<br />

Jeffrey R. Lax, Columbia University<br />

jrl2124@columbia.edu<br />



Room UEH 413 on the 4th Floor, Thur at 4:45 pm<br />

Chair John Wiggs Patty, Harvard University<br />

jpatty@gov.harvard.edu<br />

Paper What is a Seat Worth Evidence from the UK House of<br />

Commons<br />

We estimate the returns to political office by drawing upon a newly<br />

created dataset that documents the political careers of almost 6000<br />

candidates that ran for the UK House of Commons between 1950<br />

and 1970.<br />

Andy Eggers, Harvard University<br />

aeggers@fas.harvard.edu<br />

Jens Hainmueller, Harvard University<br />

jhainm@fas.harvard.edu<br />

Paper Drawing Your Senator From a Jar: Term Length and Legislator<br />

Behavior<br />

In Arkansas, Illinois and Texas, the term length of state senators was<br />

randomly assigned after the elections of 1992 and 2002. I exploit<br />

this unique randomization to estimate the causal effect of term<br />

length on legislator behavior.<br />

Rocio Titiunik, University of California, Berkeley<br />

rocio@are.berkeley.edu<br />

Paper Why Unsafe at Any Margin Incumbency Advantage and<br />

Vulnerability<br />

This paper estimates incumbency advantage without simultaneity<br />

bias by decomposing error term into analyst's error and player’s<br />

error. It also argues that incumbency vulnerability is caused by<br />

redistricting, lack of seniority and media campaigns.<br />

Kentaro Fukumoto, Gakushuin University<br />

Kentaro.Fukumoto@gakushuin.ac.jp<br />

Paper Exploiting Tom DeLay: A New Method for Estimating<br />

Incumbency Advantage<br />

We propose a new method for consistently estimating incumbency<br />

advantage. We demonstrate that previous work which has used<br />

redistricting to estimate incumbency advantage has compared the<br />

wrong potential outcomes and results in biased estimates.<br />

Jasjeet Singh Sekhon, University of California, Berkeley<br />

sekhon@berkeley.edu<br />

Rocio Titiunik, University of California, Berkeley<br />

rocio@are.berkeley.edu<br />

Paper Instrumental Variables Estimation Using Quasi-Instrumental<br />

Variables<br />

Quasi-instrumental variables are instruments that are not perfectly<br />

exogenous. I examine how different instrumental variable estimators<br />

are affected by using quasi-instruments instead of true instruments,<br />

with an application to campaign spending.<br />

Jay Goodliffe, Brigham Young University<br />

goodliffe@byu.edu<br />

Disc. Justin H. Gross, Carnegie Mellon University<br />

jhgross@andrew.cmu.edu<br />


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