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technology community broadcast their d<strong>is</strong>covery of Vygotsky as if they were contributing<strong>some</strong>thing new <strong>to</strong> the debates on pedagogy. That was a threshold that, in Engl<strong>and</strong>, I wouldargue that the education community crossed with Lady Plowden (1967).Second, I now find myself training professionals in uses of ICT that are dependent on a wholeraft of 'knowledge' <strong>and</strong> processes that remain, as far as the 'client' <strong>is</strong> concerned completelyunknown, irrelevant <strong>and</strong> unworthy of their <strong>time</strong> <strong>and</strong> attention. Put simply, we don't know howTesco's workflow system operates, all we care about <strong>is</strong> that when the barcode <strong>is</strong> scanned <strong>by</strong> t<strong>here</strong>ader, our purchase <strong>is</strong> recorded <strong>and</strong> <strong>will</strong> generate a bill of charges accordingly:"Don't tell me how it works; just show me what <strong>to</strong> do.." (Anon 1989, 1999, 2000 [...] 2010,2011)People cross technological thresholds now - because they have <strong>to</strong> (N 1 ). In the domain ofeducation, <strong>take</strong>, for example, uses of Ofsted's individual school performance data <strong>to</strong>olRAISEonline (www.ra<strong>is</strong>eonline.org). Successful head teachers use th<strong>is</strong> system as a means ofcreating their own s<strong>to</strong>ry of performance ahead of an Ofsted inspection v<strong>is</strong>it. They are notconcerned with its technological underpinnings (asp.net. MySql etc.), they are on the other sideof a threshold w<strong>here</strong> they are enabled <strong>to</strong> <strong>download</strong>, print out <strong>and</strong> then talk <strong>to</strong> a hard copy datareport - with diagrams - in my experience, how they were generated <strong>is</strong> of no interest <strong>to</strong> them. Inthe domain of professional learning, lawyers, doc<strong>to</strong>rs, bankers, accountants <strong>and</strong> increasinglyteachers attain professional qualifications through online means only. Again, they appear <strong>to</strong> beon the side of a threshold which <strong>is</strong>, <strong>to</strong> all intents <strong>and</strong> purposes, inv<strong>is</strong>ible.Whilst the threshold may be inv<strong>is</strong>ible, it has been possible <strong>to</strong> observe that th<strong>is</strong> phenomenon hasoccurred. Indeed, in my career, looking back, I would suggest that t<strong>here</strong> has been more than onethreshold 'moment'. Had I recorded or documented systematically as I went along all that I was140Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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